so these checks and balances were really out of balance?
If I was to go out and rape the best looking young virgin girl I could find.........
by ThomasCovenant 191 Replies latest members adult
Only to the extent that we humans are out of balance.
sorry, my miniscule brain is not smart enough to know what you mean............ i think i need a watchtower to explain your thinking
Tee hee hee.
Chalam can explain it much better!
can others in this board explain this to me.
If we weren't sin-laden, only two commandments would be necessary - love for God and neighbor.
That's it.
so since we are sin-laden we can rape virgins?
we can't even pay willing prostitutes in the usa and we can do that with god's approval?
No where in the Bible does it state that God approves of rape - virgins or otherwise.
Those things are simply reported as having happened.
I suggest you go back and read those accounts again for the first time.
"if a man..........." this sounds like law, not story telling
So God didn't care enough about women to protect them???? uh??
This is the same one that every Isrealite witnessed destroying the Egyptian army and bringing the nation to its knees and he couldn't get them to treat women decently? Because he was afraid they would rebel and anarchy would ensue? Only someone with a deep predjudice about God could ever accept that.
"If the woman didn't scream when being raped, she is to be put to death without fail" - That is a command from JG, according to the Bible.