You must not eat any "FAT"

by juci32 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • juci32

    If the Witnesses follow the old law of "not eating blood" (even though the bible is pertaining to animal blood) then why do they not adhere to the command to avoid fat? In Leviticus 3:17 it states: 'This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live: You must not eat any fat or any blood.'"

    There is fat in almost every meat we eat. Bacon, hamburger,chicken etc....

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Very interesting.

  • aquagirl

    So,are you saying that there might be an inconsistancy in one of their doctrines?lol..

  • PEC

    OMG, no bacon or hamburger. Philip

  • WTWizard

    There is a reason for this: Fat was supposed to be reserved for the High Priest. They chose to abandon that part of the Law, instead calling any "excess" money a person might have the "fat". Like the fat, it too is reserved for the High Priest Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. You must donate any and all "excess" money into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund instead of using it for yourself.

    If applied literally, this rule would have practical consequences. The biggest is that you would not be able to eat fast, good-tasting poison (you know, the "food(??)" that the pio-sneers order to keep their time going and eat it 5-7 times a week). Virtually all snack foods have fat--unless they are pure sugar. Even such foods as pasta, fruits and vegetables, and boullion cubes have trace amounts of fat. It would be next to impossible to totally eliminate all sources of fat from the diet. Why, even the dust you inhale is likely to contain a few molecules of fat.

    You cannot be healthy without fat. Fat helps absorb certain vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and minerals. It is also the building blocks of parts of the brain and nerves. And, without lauric acid (found in coconut oil and responsible for more than half the saturated fat in coconut oil), you would be getting more colds and flus (plus, your metabolism would suck) because lauric acid helps fight off infection. It also helps you function better when you do get a cold, since you still have more energy (which would help if you are out in field circus and catch a cold).

  • Heaven

    But... but... I LOVES the pig meat! And the cow and bird meat. Guess I can't be a JW... or a Jew... or a Christian then. I'm ok with that.

  • recovering

    They (WTBS) claim that they are no longer bound by the Mosaic law. That the prohibition regarding eating of blood was uttered by The apostle Paul.

    Acts 21:25 (English Standard Version)

    25 But as for the Gentiles who have believed, ( A ) we have sent a letter with our judgment that they should abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, [ a ] and from sexual immorality."

  • cameo-d

    The fat is reserved for the Lard.

    The Lard is the "big cheese", the "top dog", the one who exercises control over you.

    Those who "lord/lard over you".

    Lord is the Lard.

    It is not some spook in the sky. The Lard is the one of whom you ask permission for everything. The Lard could be your king, or your boss at work. The Lard is the one who has power over you.

  • thetrueone

    Blood and fat

    One of the main biblical food laws is the forbidding of eating blood on account of the life [being] in the blood; this ban and reason are listed in the Noahide Laws [12] , and twice in Leviticus [13] [14] , as well as by Deuteronomy [15] The Priestly Code also prohibits the eating of certain types of fat ( chelev ), if it came from sacrificial land animals (cattle, sheep, and goats), since the fat is the portion of the meat exclusively allocated to YHWH (by burning it on the altar). [16]

    The classical rabbis argued that, in a number of cases, the prohibition against consuming blood was impractical, and there should be exceptions; they claimed that consuming the blood which remained on the inside of meat (as opposed to the blood on the surface of it, dripping from it, or housed within the veins), would be permitted, and that the blood of fish and locusts could also be consumed. [17] [18] [19] [20]

    To comply with this prohibition, a number of preparation techniques became practiced within traditional Judaism. The main technique, known as melihah, involves the meat being soaked in water for about half an hour, which opens pores; [21] after this, the meat is placed on a slanted board or in a wicker basket, and is thickly covered with salt on each side, and left for between twenty minutes and one hour. [22] The salt covering draws blood from the meat by osmosis , and so the salt must be subsequently removed from the meat (usually by trying to shake most of it off, and then washing the meat twice [23] ) in order to complete the extraction of the blood.

    Melihah is not sufficient to extract blood from the liver, lungs, heart, and certain other internal organs, since they naturally contain a high density of blood, and therefore these organs are usually removed before the rest of the meat is salted; roasting on the other hand will usually cause blood to be discharged, and it is therefore the usual treatment given to these organs (if they are to be eaten at all), and it is also an alternative cooking method for the rest of the meat. [24]

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    marked for later... thankyou for posting this...



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