I think Juci32, that too many years as a Dub has made you take a scripture and not look at the context, boy how many times did we all do that ?
Leviticus 3 is talking about an animal that is sacrificed to the Lord, so the fat,especially a big fat tail, was His. In daily life the Israelites consumed fat as we do, even McCohens burghers I am told.
The point is of course that Dubs have taken Acts 15 out of context too, this was in reply to the question,"What is required of Gentiles becoming Christians ?" (That is not literally the way the question is put,but is the substance thereof LOL)
The answer is made by a bunch of Jewish Christians who really at that time were a sect of Judaism, the Temple being in daily use, but having put faith in Jesus as the Messiah , they could see no need to lumber Gentile converts with the whole of the Law, just sufficient so that their Jewish Brethren would not be offended by the way they lived.
Now, can anybody explain to me how any of that can make any kind of rule for us today ? Will we be offending those brought up as Orthodox, or any kind of religious Jew, by not observing dietary laws ?
Would we by taking a blood transfusion, offend a religious Jew who sticks absolutely to the Mosaic Law ?
NO ! they recognise that saving a life in this way is a sacred duty, anything less is tantamount to suicide.
So, even if we wish to extend the "principle" of the scripture to life today, that of not causing Jews to reject Christ by offending them, we still must accept blood transfusion.
We can, in the spirit of Vs.21 of Acts 15 comply with the law as much as we like, but the above holds true.
As usual the JW's have built a Doctrine that goes against scripture, the shame of it is, this one kills.