Tribute to my JW mother.

by Aussie Oz 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • dgp

    We're all human and we love'em all, don't we? Aren't we in pain because they can't love us unconditionally, like we love them? Doesn't everything starts with the heart, and should always remain that way?

    Aussie, your post is a tribute to yourself, too. My respects, man.

  • nugget

    Mums who are truly understanding are a true blessing and support she sets a wonderful example. It is good you have her in your life.

  • dissed

    All those years in...and she can still think for herself.

    Obviously, you have a bit of your mum in you Oz.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Thanks for the kind comments all, and you too Jafo for adding to the tribute.

    i have a good mix of both parents i think... as does my son of me, much to the ex's disgust!

    cheers all


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