Would Jesus Really Have Observed Passover?

by cameo-d 27 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Great John painting Burn. I remember hearing that story before, but forgot it's source. Do you know?. Is it in scriptures or one of the church fathers?


  • BurnTheShips
    You always have to be ready to run when you are up to something evil.

    You also have to be ready to run when something evil is going to come upon you.

    In my opinion, this appears to be a way to justify what could have simply been random murder.

    That's just your highly speculative opinion, and is in in no way authoritative.


  • BurnTheShips
    Great John painting Burn. I remember hearing that story before, but forgot it's source. Do you know?. Is it in scriptures or one of the church fathers?

    I don't know the source. :-/

    According to legend, the emperor Diocletian once tried to poison John by ordering him to drink a cup of poisoned wine. Saint John blessed the wine and the poison slithered away in the form of a snake.




  • BurnTheShips

    The Apostle John, the son of Zebedee, is usually represented by an eagle (each of the four Gospel writers is represented by a creature-eagle, bull, lion, man), or a chalice:

    Then the mother of Zebedee's sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him.

    "What is it you want?" he asked.
    She said, "Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom."

    "You don't know what you are asking," Jesus said to them. "Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?"
    "We can," they answered.

    Jesus said to them, "You will indeed drink from my cup, but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father."

    A little more on the legend:

    Emperor Dominitian he was exiled to island Patmos, where in the company of an eagle he wrote the Revelations. After amnesty he returned to Ephesus, where he composed his Gospel. There he survived an ordeal set by the high priest of Ephesus: he was unaffected by a beverage concocted from snake?s venom, when offered a chalice, St. John blessed it, and the venom in the form of a snake, was miraculously drawn from the liquid. A legend also says that he was lifted up in an Assumption by an angel. He is the patron saint of booksellers. In fine arts he is often depicted with an Eagle, book (Gospel or Revelation), snake or dragon emerging from a cup or chalice .


    The Feast of St. John is usually celebrated with lots of good wine. :-)

  • cameo-d

    There is a tradition that at Ephesus, John blessed a cup of poisoned wine for the celebration of the Eucharist. The poison departed the wine in the form of a snake.


    Ahhh. So snakes are, in essence, a metaphor for poison.

    Interesting that Moses played with snakes, too. He was a sorcerer, you know. The face off between Moses and the Pharao's magicians is all about their competition to decide who had the strongest magic. Since Moses grew up in the Pharao's royal household he was exposed to an education that was not allowed to the other classes. Also, his father-in-law was a priest and shaman, so he learned a lot of tricks from him as well.

    It never ceases to amaze me that a lot of people take it literally that Moses rod actually turned into a snake. But then, again, many of those people have been content to blindly believe and mistakenly call it "faith". Their shepherds have deliberately deceived them by never revealing the meaning of the metaphors. Do you agree?

  • BurnTheShips


    I do not.

  • cameo-d

    TTWSYF: then I gotta ask, What did you think of the Ark of the Covenant design? Paganism?!

    The Ark of the Covenant was beyond paganism. It was simple science disguised as an Oracle for the purpose of controlling people.



    Quit hijacking my thread because you are afraid to hear the truth. You can save your snake pics for my St. Patrick thread which I will be reviving shortly.

  • Titus

    *** bh chap. 1 p. 8 par. 1 What Is the Truth About God? ***

    HAVE you ever noticed the way CAMEO-D asks questions? He starts asking as soon as he logins on JWN. With wide, eager eyes, he looks up at monitor and asks such things as: Memorial: Where's the Proof?, Was Earth Tilted Just Before Noah's Flood?, Did the "New System" Already Start? Who taught the birds to sing? Would Jesus Really Have Observed Passover? You may try hard to answer, but it is not always easy. Even your best answer may lead to yet another question: Why?

    It can be a little humbling to ask for such a help, but CAMEO-D doesn not hold back because of embarrassment. Jesus said that it is good to be humble, like a little child. (Matthew 18:2-4) And children, as we know, ask a lot of questions. God wants CAMEO-D to find the answers. The Bible praises CAMEO-D who was eager to learn about God. He checked carefully in the Scriptures to make sure that what he was learning was the truth.

    Keep up the good work, CAMEO-D!


  • moshe

    Well, how about this question. Why would the chief priest and the Sanhedrin send out Jews on Passover night to arrest Jesus, then convene a secret kangaroo court to try him? Even today Passover seders are known to last past midnight in the more Orthodox homes. Orhodox Jews would just wait a few days until Passover was over and then go look for Jesus. Would you expect the Pope to hold a special excomunication trial on Easter Sunday? Would the KH elders hold a committe meeting to Df someone after the Memorial or would they do it later? Does this midnight arrest and trial of Jesus seem a little fishy now?

  • Gill

    'God eating was a universal custom descended form the earliest beginnings of civilization when it was usually a genuine cannibal feast. As the incarnate god, 'the victim is not only slain, but the worshippers partake of the body and blood of the victim, so that his life passes into their life, and knits them to the deity in living communion'.....The Womans encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. And so this book goes on explaining the origins of the feasting on the body and the blood of the Man God.

    And when did this 'Feasting' usually take place back in the mists of and not so distant pass?

    Whoops! Springtime!

    It is not only Christmas that Constantine knitted into the new religion of Christianity but that which Christian hold to even today, the festival of the Eating of the Body and drinking of the Blood of the Man God!

    In 'The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Myths' it is furthur explained :

    'It is well known that scarecrosw don't scare crows or any other birds. But the custom of setting up the effigy of a man on a wooden cross, as a magical protection for fields, has been practiced from remote antiquity. The original scarecrow seems to have been an actuall sacrifice in prehistoric times. Later the sacrificial god-man was dismembered, like Osiris and pieces of his flesh or blood were distribnuted to all the fields of the land to encourage growth.

    Sacrifice of a god man for the sake of fertility, usually in the spring, was a common event long before Christianity came along to claim that its own sacrificed god man was unique.Even within Christianity the springtime sacrifice of Jesus was emulated by other heroes such as Andre, Philip or Peter.'

    To those who had no idea of this, I am sorry but Cannibalism was a fact of the distant and not so distant past.

    Bread and his blood was replaced by wine and this goes back a long.....long way.

    You might find the above two mentioned books interesting.....but then you might like to start researching the origins of the 'only celebration that JWs have' that is laughingly called 'pure worship'!

    Again, my apologies to JWs who had no idea of the above!

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