Would Jesus Really Have Observed Passover?

by cameo-d 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PSacramento

    Passover is a celebration of life and freedom and as such it was very appropriate for Jesus to establish the "lord's supper" on that day/event.

    What happened to the Egyptians, as the story goes, was the pharoahs own doing, he was warned that whatever he did to the Hebrews would comone upon Egypt, of course, it seems that God hardened Pharoah's heart to "make" him does this anyways, so we are kind of at a cross roads in regards to this.

  • BurnTheShips


    Quit hijacking my thread because you are afraid to hear the truth. You can save your snake pics for my St. Patrick thread which I will be reviving shortly.

    Sorry, sometimes its too easy to go into a different direction.


  • cameo-d

    PSacramento: "What happened to the Egyptians, as the story goes, was the pharoahs own doing, he was warned that whatever he did to the Hebrews would comone upon Egypt, of course,"

    The "pharao's own doing"? That's like the same way the WT states that if you are shunned it's because of your own doing?

    And as far as Pharao "being warned" about the murderous plan to kill all the firstborns (which, according to circumstantial historical ancedotes, was actually random killing and not just firstborns) Moses did not tell Pharao nor warn him that any such action would be taken!

    And Pharao says, "Depart from me; watch out that yet again you see my face! Now on whatever day you shall appear to me, you will die." Then Moyses says, "You have spoken! I shall no longer appear to you in person." (Exodus 10:28-29, Septuagint)

    Then, in Ex. 11:2, we are told that "Moses whispered (the plans) into the ears of the people."

    Passover was a genocidal massacre. The people did not realize what was about to take place. They were only given some instructions to blindly follow.

  • cameo-d

    Pharao had already told Moses to go ahead and leave with his little band of followers. The problem was that Moses kept wanting more and making more demands. Moses wanted more and more material possessions to take with him. This is evident by what took place before the Passover massacre. Moses told all his people to "borrow" gold, silver, and jewelry from their neighbors. Then, after the slaughter, as they were leaving they went into the Egyptians and just took what they wanted and plundered them as they ran out of town.

    Pharao tells Moses to go; but Moses just keeps harassing the Egyptians with his black magic plagues.

    Exodus 10:7-11

    Then the attendants of Pharao say to him, "For how long will this be a stumbling-block for us? Send away the people so that they may serve the Lord their God. Or do you wish to know that Egypt lies in ruins? And they brought back both Moyses and Aaron to Pharao, and he said to them, "Go! Serve the Lord your God. But who and who are those that are going? And Moyses said, "With the young and old men we will go, with our sons and daughters and sheep and cattle, for it is the Lord our God's feast.

    And he (Pharao) said to them, "Let the Lord so be with you. According as I send you, I should not also send you chattels, should I? Take note that wickedness lies before you. Not so. But let the men go and you serve God. For this you yourselves are asking." Then they thrust them out from the presence of Pharao. (Exodus 10:7-11)

  • Leolaia

    If he lived, he would've been a Palestinian Jew, and yes he would've observed it.

    Just like he is represented as observing Hanukkah and Sukkot in the gospels.

  • Leolaia
    Passover was a genocidal massacre.

    The story of the Flood concerns a near complete massacre of all life. Funny then that the gospels present Jesus as comparing his own parousia to it.

  • cameo-d

    Leolaia: "If he lived, he would've been a Palestinian Jew, and yes he would've observed it."

    "If he lived".....which I choose to believe he did

    "he would have been a Palestinian Jew".......no, he would have been a Bethelite, having been born in Bethlehem

    "yes he would have observed it".....I disagree. He was a rebel. I cannot imagine that the Jesus portrayed in scripture would celebrate the demise and genocide of a nation. (Egypt) It does not fit with his character.

  • nykid

    How does he celebrating Passover not fit in with Jesus' character as it is presented in the Bible? This is the same character that predicts the deaths of millions and curses people to destruction for not listening to his message.

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