PSacramento: "What happened to the Egyptians, as the story goes, was the pharoahs own doing, he was warned that whatever he did to the Hebrews would comone upon Egypt, of course,"
The "pharao's own doing"? That's like the same way the WT states that if you are shunned it's because of your own doing?
And as far as Pharao "being warned" about the murderous plan to kill all the firstborns (which, according to circumstantial historical ancedotes, was actually random killing and not just firstborns) Moses did not tell Pharao nor warn him that any such action would be taken!
And Pharao says, "Depart from me; watch out that yet again you see my face! Now on whatever day you shall appear to me, you will die." Then Moyses says, "You have spoken! I shall no longer appear to you in person." (Exodus 10:28-29, Septuagint)
Then, in Ex. 11:2, we are told that "Moses whispered (the plans) into the ears of the people."
Passover was a genocidal massacre. The people did not realize what was about to take place. They were only given some instructions to blindly follow.