Outsiders of JWN

by Yizuman 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWoods
    I'm with OUTLAW here. On the other thread, Yiz was making blanket statements about XJW's. Of which he knows little, having never been one. As OUTLAW pointed out. And quite frankly,Yiz, you might do better with a little bit of self examination rather than so much finger pointing. What are your real motives in continuing to post your hard time stories?

    I agree completely. I did not know the history but felt that the post in question was definately on the odd side (as in a pity-pot story). And, as I say, I was assuming that either the poster or the wife was a JW or exJW.

    I know of a sizeable number of non- & not-ever JWs here who have interests in family or friends and interact well and in the adult mode. I have not seen them downgraded because they were not former JWs.

    The problem here, as I see it, is like Outlaw called it - hinting to the board for solicitation of money.

  • mouthy

    Well didnt God say "Ask & you will recieve?"So Yizman asked, But I guess he didnt recieve
    Your not the 1st to tell me I am enabling,but to tell you the truth,I remember when we had
    very little to eat ,when my hubby lost his job,& I was crippled up with RA.We had Oats
    for a whole week ,no milk on it just water,I hate to think of anyone being in the postion I
    was in,My Mother sent me some plastic"string"from England ( I was a war bride)so
    I made brooches & went round knocking on doors selling them,Until I got picked up
    for not having a peddlers license lol,
    So as I have said before .go easy on the guy....By the way he picketed Brooklyn Bethel with us,

  • VoidEater

    I think the non-XJW can give a perspective that is absent otherwise.

    It's individuals that stand or fall on the board, not a class - not born-in versus converted, not get my wife out versus get my friend out, not Christian versus Atheist.

    Without diverse perspectives, we don't need to engage with anyone else. We can just listen to the voices in our heads for all we need.

    It's individuals that add value to the board, or not.

  • nugget

    People who are not JWs or XJWs provide a welcome perspective on issues, often giving views that have not been coloured by WTS doctrine and conditioning. For that reason their insights are often welcome. In addition some who have not been part of the organisation themselves can have their lives badly affected by those still in espeacially family members and it is wholely appropriate that they come here for support and help.

    However bear in mind that many on this board have suffered abuse from an organisation over years and sometimes decades. This is why they are quick to squash people who come across as self important, or slightly dodgey. Being accused of multi personalities this week I fully appreciate how disconcerting that can be. What I take from it is that there is a great deal of support on this board, people make mistakes and misjudge on occasion, but they are usually well intentioned and it is a wish never to be taken for a fool again and never to let others be abused that prompts their actions.

    It is only predatory posters and real trolls that need to be wary on this board.


    Oh Mouthy..What are we going to do with you?..LOL!!.

    JWN has a Blanket Policy of not allowing people,to ask for money..

    It does`nt matter who you are..

    DON`T ASK FOR MONEY ON JWN(That includes hinting for money..LOL!!)..

    Yiz is free to ask God for money..But..Not on JWN...LOL!!..

    By the way he picketed Brooklyn Bethel with us,

    Yizuman,a non-JW..Picketing Bethel??..


    I guess Picketing Bethel is much easier,than looking for a Job..


    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • mouthy

    I dont remember telling you to come out of your room ,Bloody well go back



    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • mouthy


  • shamus100

    Oh Mouthy,

    You're too old for me to give you advice, but I wish you wouldn't send people money.

    This entire thread is a wash. The only reason why the original poster feels weird about being here is because the connection is, well, zero. I understand some ppl having an interest but posting from 2002 to 2010??? My god. And you just look at the threads started. Something isn't stirring the cool-aid, but you're all big boys and big girls and you can make your own decisions.

    Nobody should feel paranoid about being here - unless you're here for some ulterior motive. Many have loved ones who fall for the bullshit, or spouces, etc.

    Perhaps I should pull up some threads of other sheisters on here. It'll open your eyes.

  • mouthy

    I have been here 8 years Shamus...Ive read lots.
    If I have been a sucker...Well that is my fault.
    But no I still take advice even from Young ens(((HUG)))

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