Today, one of the few JW friends that I'm close to got baptized.
I always knew he was a little more into it than I was, but I thought that with High School coming for him (I'm a year older than he is), maybe it would open his eyes a little, and he would see the world differently. With little contact with him because of seperate schools for the past year, I didn't find out the news until just before our convention started. When he told me, I had this singular moment of panic and deflation, but I gave the guy a big hug and squeaked out a "Congratulations" knowing he's two hours from shooting himself in the foot. With near-makes-no-difference, 1000 people cheering and applauding for the one of only two candidates, he felt pretty fantastic. He's thirteen. He has "secret" crushes he doesn't tell his parents about. He thinks he's a ladies man. The hormones are just starting to kick into overdrive. I can only see a crash course ahead.
So my fellow JWN posters, what do you think of baptism at such a young age?
Torn In Two Son