I was a pioneer for years, and I can tell you that a lot of pioneers struggled to meet the quotas, myself included. I can honestly say that I never fudged my time, ever. But it certainly did put pressure on you. Because you knew if you missed a month the elders were definitely watching and would soon approach you about it under the guise of wanting to help you meet your pledged amount.
Of course, I was what many would call an "uber" witness, so I was happy to "do more". I always liked talking to people and trying to show them how the bible could help them with their problems. Often I wouldn't even take literature to the door, just my bible. I was the exception here of course, since most publishers just focused on selling I mean placing literature.
But I often felt that a lot of the time we were focusing on quantity rather than quality. We (I'm including myself here because I was guilty too at times) were so focused on meeting an hourly quota that half the time we were looking for "shortcuts". I know a lot of publishers and pioneers alike that loved to be in elder so-and-so's car group because he would do his own return visits all morning and they/we could just go along for the ride. It's sad really. We were supposed to be helping people. Or so I thought at the time...