Do you do any volunteer work? If so, what?
by Quirky1 21 Replies latest jw friends
I am with a volunteer organization in my neck of the woods and the work varies. 2 weeks ago, I assisted in feeding homeless women. This Sat. I am suppose to assist with a Shamrock Fest through this same organization, but will decline due to personal business and a date.
I help serve breakfast at the soup kitchen (The Mission in Denver) on Tuesday's and Thursday's. My daughters come when ever they are able. It really helps us appreciate what we have.
I volunteer at an animal shelter. Once a week, I take the dogs out for a walk.
I go over and help my daughter every week, I shop and help clean up before the cleaning lady with laundry, etc. She has had Lyme disease for a year now but is finally able to get up and's been a long year. (I think she has taken every antibiotic known to man.)
Does that count?
I've always wanted to work in a soup kitchen..maybe when she gets better I will look into our local one.
Work as a volunteer at the domestic violence coalition in my county...supporting women who have been abused.
Great work everyone!!
Our family -
A Childrens reading progam, animal shelter, horse intruction for the disabled, and youth groups like 4h are our favorites.
Once we volunteered for serving Thanksgiving dinners at someones home. It was very interesting. Everyone would befriend a senior(make them mom or dad for a day) from a retirement home and bring them to the dinner. It was like one big family, maybe 40 in the group.
This was in Tucson, Az while visiting a friend who asked us to come along. Many of the providers were local influentials who served them and gave them a family for Thanksgiving. No publicity, no honors. Very special indeed.
A little more on this very nice group: They were famous authors, artists, a motivational speaker, one person we recognized as one the richer women in the USA. And all done to just help without any fanfare.
My man volunteers coaching football for 8-15 year olds.
I volunteer by helping him volunteer - going to the games, calling the parents when needed, providing orange slices etc at hlf-time.
The season starts in another week or so and goes til end of November.
volunteer humane investigator for the state (large animals). I need to get certified by the state every two years.
own a therapy dog, we visit nursing homes, local hospital, and the library. They have a "read to the dogs" program for young kids who
have trouble reading.
I also keep an eye on several older ladies who live in our neighborhood. I shovel their drives in the snow, trim their trees and bushes in the summer,
and cook dinner for them several times in the winter when the weather is bad.