Whatever you do reflects on Jehovah

by dgp 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JWoods

    Of course, since Jehovah is represented by the witnesses as a war-god who sentenced all humanity to death over eating a certain fruit, later killed off all humans except Noah & kin, and is just about to kill off all mankind except for the JWs -

    We might well ask the question WHY? WHY do we care if what we do reflects on Jehovah? He has already done more than enough (in JW theology) to completely reflect on himself.

    No matter WHAT we do.

  • nugget

    Because Jws are supposed to wear their religon as a badge then whatever they do reflects on their faith. Because of this people judge the religon by the actions of it's followers and thus it can bring Jehovah's name into disrepute.

    As JWs you live in a world of fear and guilt worrying that whatever you do you are reflecting badly on Jehovah. It is madness and part of the control.

  • Heaven

    This statement "We don't want to give Jehovah a bad name.", which is along the same lines as the Thread Title, is something my parents have said many times over the years.

    If this is true, then why are pedophiles allowed to remain in the congregation and still go out in service?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    God has always been a convenient way for humans in certain positions to enforce their own moral code on others. No matter how unreasonable certain standards may be, they can simply be attributed to God. This justifies their tyranny and oppression of others. It isn't their rules, it's his.

  • JWoods
    If this is true, then why are pedophiles allowed to remain in the congregation and still go out in service?

    Because if they were exposed for what the were, the public might see Jehovah (GB really) in a bad light. Obviously, it is better to let them hide!

  • palmtree67

    I think the only reason that anything a JW does gets noticed, is because they have set impossibly high standards for themselves. So when one of them fails to live up to thier own self-imposed standards.....people notice.

    When you shout from the rooftops, "Hey we're better than all of you guys!!" people take note when it turns out you are NOT.

  • LongHairGal


    I saw that statement for what it was: emotional blackmail designed to make you neurotic about everything you said or did in hopes somebody wouldn't say "isn't he/she one of Jehovah's Witnesses?" , "I didn't know they did that...etc. etc." The bottom line was that you were expected to care about the reputation of the RELIGION at any and all costs. They would like you to think it was about pleasing God but we are all too smart to believe that now.

    This is why the stories about the pedophile problems are just the tip of the iceberg. The religion is all about its own reputation.

  • sir82
    This statement "We don't want to give Jehovah a bad name.", which is along the same lines as the Thread Title, is something my parents have said many times over the years.
    If this is true, then why are pedophiles allowed to remain in the congregation and still go out in service?

    Because somehow, gradually, over the years, the concept of "don't bring reproach on Jehovah's name" has morphed into "Don't let anyone who isn't a JW knowabout anything bad within the organization, because that will bring reproach on Jehovah's name".

    If non-JWs find out there are child-rapists in the congregation who haven't been disfellowshipped because there weren't 2 eyewitnesses, then that makes the organization look inept and stupid.

    It's the appearance of being inept and stupid that, in most JWs minds, brings reproach, not the toleration of horribly criminal and immoral behavior.

  • JWoods

    Not to mention the fact that the primary religion with the "Jehovah" name in it's title has in the past century been the world champion of false prophecy dates for the end of the world -

    - and promoted them so much that this is one of the main things they are known for.

  • dgp

    I truly, truly appreciate all the posts. I see they represent different angles and it seems to me that there's part of all that in the person in question. I believe, however, that in the particular circumstance we were at the moment, the words of Sir82 are closest to what she meant:

    Don't let anyone who isn't a JW know about anything bad within the organization

    She would want me in. That's why she presents her saying that I'm "an acquaintance", and her saying that we can't be anything beyond that, unless I'm a witness, as her own decision. It's not that the society would force her to cut ties, or face the consequences; "She" wants that.

    Thanks to all, and I look forward to more posts.

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