that is exactly what i told someone in field service once. i went to the door with another brother, and started my presentation. i noticed the lady was crying and asked if everything was ok. she said that they just got back from the vet, and that they had to put the cat to sleep. as soon as she stopped talking, this was the next words out of my mouth. to this day, i always felt bad about that.
sorry about your cat, would you like to learn how you can live forever?
by rockmehardplace 23 Replies latest jw friends
Look at the bright side, you don't have to do that again !
Aside from THAT, Mrs Lincoln, how did you like the play?
Oh, bless me.....this made me laugh.
I had similar experiences with alot of people who were nervous at the doors. It was really just nerves.
There's a reason that the church fathers said that SOME would be apostles, SOME would be evangelists, etc. It's not something everyone can do. When I would be out there with people, and someone would drop a bomb like that, often they would slightly acknowledge the statement (sorry about your cat) and then just blow right on into their presentation. It's nothing personal, they were just nervous!
JWS are known to exploit situations when people are at their most venerable.
A pet is a little unusual but oh man when you are emotional upset about losing a loved one
thats like hitting the jack pot .
I remember my Mom conducting a bible study while I waited in the car with another kid... The householders kid kept running in and out of the house playing (roughly) with his new kitten. Householder was so preoccuppied with learning the truth she didn't realize how rough the kid was being till he barged into the living room interuppted the study saying "Mommy" the kitten pissed on me. Mommy looked at the kitten. The boy had choked it and the kitten's bowels had released up expiration..... Good memories of field circus as a kid.
I was selling magazines one Saturday morning and I saw through the ladies front window that her skillet full of bacon was ON FIRE!!!
It took me a second or two to get my head together enough to stop the spiel and warn her to go put it out...
God - the number of times I shoved a "when someone you loves dies" in the hands of the bereaved thinking it will comfort them. We were all programmed to sell at every opportunity, especially when people were at their lowest. SICK!!!
At least you didn't point out the neighbourhood birds were safer now that the cat was dead.
JWS are known to exploit situations when people are at their most venerable.
A pet is a little unusual but oh man when you are emotional upset about losing a loved one
thats like hitting the jack pot .
Yes unfortunately none of the rags held out a resurrection hope for dead loved animals. Otherwise OP might have had a bible study.