I seriously believe that being raised a JW can affect your decisions about marriage, in a negative way.
I agree. I think I was fortunate to have been a little older and mature by the time I married, though if I had it to over with what I know now, I would approach it different.
But the whole JW mindset basically sets you up to fail at marriage. First you can't date normally so by the time you're 18 to 20 you're not thinking lifetime of marriage or children or retirement or sickness...you just wanna get laid.
Then you're programmed to look forward to the 'new system' in a short period so your conditioned to not thinking about growing old together. She's gonna stay slim and hot, he's gonna stay buff and strong and you'll be in the paradise with perfect bodies. But then you get older and you wonder what happened. And you pine for the days of being young because you were promised that you'd be through Armageddon by now.
You didn't go to college and then you didn't save for retirement. So you kill yourself to make ends meet, to pay the medical bills and to make it to all the JW stuff.
Then in some cases, one partner says 'fuckitall' to the JW lifestyle while the other one remains steadfast in their faith.
I can only name a few people still together who got married around the same time period I did. The divorce rate among all the JWs I've seen married over the last twenty years is as high, if not higher, than people I know outside the JW world.