Cyberjesus: "He did write them, but he copied from another Gods since there was no copyright back then"
You are right! It appears that there was a lot of copying going on!
Take a look at what archeologists say about it:
The Hebrew people were not isolated in time and space. They were part of Eastern Mediterranean culture, and shared in the culture and ideas of their neighbors. The Tablets of the Law, as described in Exodus 20 and 34, bear a striking resemblance to the stele on which the Laws of Hammurabi were carved (see above).
Similar codes of law were created in several nearby civilizations, including Ur-Nammu's code and the later Hittite code of laws.
There were certainly differences between the content of the two sets of laws - comparison shows that the laws of the Old Testament were predominantly 'apodictic' - they began with 'thou shalt' or 'thou shalt not', whereas most ancient law codes were casuistic: 'when a man...., he shall....'. But the actual tablets were probably similar to the stele of Hammurabi.