I just received my invitation to the memorial this year and noticed that the word Memorial does not appear anywhere on the invitation. It refers instead to the anniversary of Jesus death. Is this a new thing, or is it always marketed as an anniversary rather than a memorial to unbelievers?
Not called the Memorial this year?
by jwfacts 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You just never know with our former Religion, most of the stuff is very intentional and sometimes you wonder if the writer just fell asleep at the keypad and his head hit the wrong letters
Black Sheep
The phrase has appeared very occasionally over the past 40 years. I don't see them dropping 'Memorial' unless they just want to show off their powers of thought control because they are getting bored.
Just a celebration of Jesus's death, I have just looked at my invite!
My wife was given 50 to distribute + 100 labels to stick on them
50 labels give the time and place, they are for the left hand side,
the other 50 are for a special talk which have to be put on the right hand side.
So 1 cong of 80 pubs - 4000 invites with 8000 sticky labels, they are totally nuts!
Nugget and I didn't even pick ours up. We are will be missing the reject Jesus party for the first time ever.
Mad Sweeney
I always felt like "The Memorial" was a sort of slang term for insiders.
You would think the number of these invitations distributed in comparison to the number who attend would snap some of the stastically minded dubs to attention. You're looking at 5-10K invitations per congregation (the publishers get 50 each, pioneers get all they want) and they're thrilled when a handful total new people show up. That's a statistically HORRIBLE way to advertise. They could run a TV ad at 3am and get better results, if attendance for new people is actually the goal.
But it isn't.
It is an ad campaign but it is a "look at us!" ad campaign. Whether anything comes of it is of no consequence.
In addition it is a way to control the 'belongings' by putting them all together in an organized group activity.
Governing Body 2.0 got together, and one of them wrinkled their nose and said "I never understood why we called it the Memorial...."
2 years and 9 other meetings later, this GB member got his wish, and now on the invite, it says "anniversary".
It's good to see that GB 2.0 is at it again, revolutionizing JW's with their awesome insights into semantical meanings.
(disclaimer: the above is a hypothesis of mine, but I bet I am not that far off)
Black Sheep
They are only using 'memorial' in the March koolaid rag, so I guess it is only for the public.
I haven't had my invite yet
Please be my guest and download your own invitation here:
You will have to contact your local KH for the times etc.
John Doe
Quit spamming the board joelee!!