Just got a Phone Call

by cantleave 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    It is the congregation's CO visit this week. It is first one since I stepped down and I have not attended any of the programme.

    I just received a phone call from a sister, I answered thinking it was someone else. This sister is the wife of Bro. Lapdog she is not someone I feel warm and fuzzy about.

    I told her that nugget has been looking after her sick parents and I then I lied, saying that I have had a bad stomach too. I am not a very good liar, I don't think I sounded too convincing.

    The CO is staying down the road from me at the congregation secretary's house, so she suggested that I pop in and introduce myself.

    "I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate contracting a stomach bug me I replied"

    "Why don't you ring him?" was her response.

    "Good Idea - I will do that, thanks for the call".

    What I really wanted to say, "F*ck off and leave me alone you sour faced bi*ch".

    Sorry for writing such a pointless post just need to rant.

  • spawn

    Cantleave, what can I say

    "F*ck off and leave me alone you sour faced bi*ch". is quite good but how about I pop down and tell them all to

    "Fuck Off and leave the Man and his Family Alone or else"

  • cantleave

    Spawn - I love your diplomacy. How's R, did escape the bug?

  • spawn

    "Its only the Olds that are sick" and now Victor Meldrew is going out as he can't cope with two girls picking on him

  • cameo-d

    Cantleave....there is a major food recall going on. It involves a lot of products that have HVP....hydrolyzed vegetable protein. I hope that's not what is making you ill. Maybe you better check the recall list and see if you consumed any of those products.

  • OnTheWayOut

    "Why don't you ring him?" was her response.

    "Good Idea - I will do that, thanks for the call".

    "Well, did you ring him?"

    "Ring who?"

    "The C.O."

    "Oh, no. I meant I would ring him when I need him. I am okay." OR "Oh, no. I forgot. Maybe next time."

  • cantleave

    No I didn't, she wanted me the ring the CO. Interestingly enough she is having problems of her own. She was removed from being a Reg Pioneer after being rude to the last CO and her husband, although still best mates with the COBE, has been getting it in the neck about her behaviour. I think she wants me to engage the CO in a conversation about the problems within the congregation and reasons why she thinks I stepped down.


  • cantleave

    Cameo'd my stomach problems are entirely fictitious, Nugget's parents have had a nasty bug, I will get her to see what they have eaten.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    So she's playing politics and thinks you're an ally. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" sort of deal, eh? What a world Dub-land is. No one can speak up for him or herself.

  • lepermessiah

    I love how you are thinking exactly what I would like to say Cantleave!

    Its scary when people you dont like start calling to "see how you are doing" when you know they are just fishing and being nosy.

    "Sorry Sister Pain-In-The-Arse, I am having an eye problem and cant attend"

    As in I cant see myself getting involved in that Bull S--t again!

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