Porn is .....Mostly Irrelevant

by metatron 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • purpleplus

    As a woman, porn is no big deal to me. Sure, there's some vulgar, objectifying stuff out there. Since I waited until my late, late twenties to have sex, I had to get some tips from somewhere.

  • Funchback

    Here's to porn: .....................

  • MinisterAmos

    Porn is extremely relevant at certain times and for 10 minutes at a stretch.

  • metatron

    I'll go further on this topic in regard to my own observations. I see sexual tension in the workplace as having plunged in recent years and I suspect porn is the primary reason why rather than semi-constitutional laws on harassment.

    Obviously, your 'mileage may vary' here but I observed an eager young blond female offer to show her 'special' piercings to some guys at work. They weren't interested! I was surprized!

    Let's go in the other direction: In Muslim countries, men are still taught that women must be covered up because men can't control themselves. They actually believe that buses and airplanes would crash and society would collapse if women exposed themselves. They can't comprehend that, if nekkid women were readily available, men would get used to it and that would be that.


  • mrsjones5

    I like porn. Don't watch it much, maybe three or four times a year...late at night.

  • Balsam

    My son is in federal prison because of the accessiblity of porn on the interenet. And being the eager young man he was to blow his nose at every opportunity he had to get on the computer and look at everything out there on the world wide web. He downloaded everykind of porn ever made, animals and humans, male and female, male & male, female and female, kiddy porn, everykind. Well he was happily jacking off at the computer when the FBI busted in and hauled his butt off to interogation. He had down loaded his entire harddrive with images of of everykind. Most of them he never even got to look at. Millions of images, and the one that put him in prison are the porn if little kids. My son claims he doesn't even remember them but it was there.

    He tried to defend himself by saying he would never do 1/2 the stuff he saw on the internet and they found no evidence that he engaged in anything illegal. But possession of imagines on a computer was enough to put him in prison for a 10 year sentence.

    Some porn is illegal and the government will put anyone viewing it or saving the imagines on their computer in prison for very nice high sentences.

    Personally I hate porn because I've seen what can happen to the guys who obsess over that stuff.

  • Heaven

    I had this problem with my ex-husband. He was very confused that real sex has little in common with porn. In fact, he refused to believe it. Must be something we were doing wrong and not that the porn he watched was for entertainment, not an instructional video.

    bluecanary... my ex was similar. He replaced the actual real experience of being intimate with me with watching homosexual porn. He denied he was gay, even though he hadn't been intimate with me in years.

  • bluecanary
    bluecanary... my ex was similar. He replaced the actual real experience of being intimate with me with watching homosexual porn. He denied he was gay, even though he hadn't been intimate with me in years.

    That is a coincidence. I enjoy homosexual porn, too.

  • cry

    I equate porn with 'fast food' - it serves a purpose, satisfies you quickly, but never really fulfills, and shouldn't substitute for real food, good ingredients, cooked from start to finish.

  • DaCheech

    for the record:

    I abhor and detest animal and kiddie porn.

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