Is this the best of all possible worlds?
If it isn't, wouldn't that be the best possible proof that a benevolent and all-powerful deity had nothing to do with creating it?
If a loving and benevolent Creator was going to create a world--why make one with a built-in self-destruct mechanism??
I'm talking about an OPTION to screw it up....why allow that OPTION in?
Wouldn't a world which did NOT contain that option be better?
Think about this.
Everything man designs is designed to function properly.
Properly would mean IT DOES WHAT IT IS DESIGNED to do.
Since man can't be sure his own design functions properly man has to TEST it.
The TEST gives the missing (unknown) information.
Yet, we are told a flawless God designed a flawless world with a flawless human who made a FLAWED decision!!
What is wrong with this picture?
Would any rational designer/builder BUILD IN an option to self-destruct on purpose?
Only through design error or manufacturer error does man's inventions malfunction.
The human designer tries to foresee all contingencies which would test the perfect operation of his invention.
Why would a Supremely intelligent creator/designer do any less?
If GOD COULD create the BEST of all possible worlds--is this world it?
Certainly not.
Endowing humanity with the chaos based decision mechanism (we call Free Will) is not a boon to mankind's safe-keeping.
An inner guidance from morality (built in) would make man choose obedience because it is best and not because man had to weigh unknown values against known (which is what Adam purportedly did.)
Being deceived by any third party (such as the serpent in Eden) would be impossible with a built-in bullshit detector.
The best of all possible worlds would contain humans designed with an internal guidance which exactly corresponded with what was best for humanity as programmed by the designer himself!
What flaw did Adam's guidance system have in its design?
It depended entirely on blind obedience. Or long term trial and error. Or whim.
Which would indicate a God with purpose? None!
Blind obedience is not a credit to the rational condition of human intelligence.
Why do I say "blind obedience rather than choice?" Because to choose an action which destroys you and your entire species is demonstration of insanity! Stupid is as stupid does. Perfect is as perfect does. Adam could not be the best of all possible created humans or he would not have screwed up the human condition. It would not be possible in the BEST design.
What am I saying?
By creating a brain for Adam that depended on rational thought---Adam's nature was to weigh skeptically his commands against his options!
Adam's decision to "be like God knowing good and bad" was a RATIONAL DECISION.
But, it was in his human nature to make this decision!
Demanding of any invention that it do what it is NOT DESIGNED TO DO is a failure of the designer.
Some people (the Watchtower!) declares that Jehovah did not want robots worshipping Him. This is a witless argument.
This is like designing a pistol that has the option of firing backwards! Imagine a light switch with the option to NOT WORK!
How about designing a game in which the rules can suddenly change on whim!
Instead of achieving a purpose we have a deuces wild option in the hands of the creature instead of the designer/creator!
This world is the ultimate result of chaos as evidenced by its condition.
Organized chaos.
Organized by random possibility rather than certainty.
Almost sounds!