What advice would you give to your 20 year old self?
by paul from cleveland 69 Replies latest jw friends
If I knew then at 20 what I know now at age 50 - I'd tell myself to exit the mind control cult Jehovah's Witnesses and go to college and get a good education to get trained in a specialized field. Work towards my REAL future ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Spend as much time in College as possible. Stay away from all organized religions (even if there is a right one you're too stupid to know which one is right). There is no such thing as failure, only feedback. The rumors about Tequila are true be cautious.
Buy stock in Microsoft; start college in a new city with Law School as the aim; workout more; don't get married next year; fade out of the JW religion (as opposed to getting df'd) and on and on..
Don't answer the door unless someone has called first and you are expecting them.
Dont listen to your parents, your mother or father. Nobody cares about you except you.
So look out and take care of yourself. Get an education. A 4 year college degree to fall back on.
Or learn a trade.
When someone is trying to befriend you, they are working an angle. Sooner or later you will see a hook and
then they will try to reel you in.
Stay a way from the kingdom hall. Stay a way from religion.
Wait a second... we're allowed to buy stock? Can we also gamble? I saw this really neat idea in a movie called Back to the Future 2.
If you ever date a guy for more than three months and he turns around and tells you he's not your boyfriend drop him like it's hot and run as fast as you can.
When the bible says "quit touching the unclean thing", you should be real clear on exactly what that is.
Get an education..
Get away from your JW parents..ASAP!!..
Move as far away as possible..
Never..Ever..Look back..