Is this normal?

by iknowall558 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • iknowall558

    Is it normal........after a year of being out of the org... and (to ditch everything in your life that made you feel worthless), is it normal, to still feel despair and a certain level of depression?

    I am going between extreme happiness and contentment ......relief and optimism, to a downright spiral of hitting the depths of somewhere dark and murky, that I know I dont want to be. Its scary and I dont like it. Am I manic? There is a definite stigma attatched to anyone owning up to these emotions and feelings, but tonight I am going to be open and say that I feel I am mentally and emotionally sick. I dont want to feel this way, and I dont like it.

    I have been through a lot in my life as a child and as an adult, but why, since leaving this despicable cult, do I feel that I need some sort of help to get me through to the next level of the amazing life that I know is waiting for me?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Sounds like a mixture of the effects of your entire belief system falling flat and a chemical embalance. Thanks for trusting us as your friends on here to come forward and discuss such a personal issue. I hope someone else has something more helpful to say than I do. I wish you the best.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    You’ve made the first steps towards healing, by admitting to your feelings.

    Please please go and see your doctor to discuss a plan of action for your journey back towards being healthy. Counselling should be part of your health action plan.

    A year out of the org is a short time, although there is no right or wrong to the time it takes to heal from being part of the cult. It all depends on your level of involvement, the hurt you suffered, and the resulting trauma that results.

    Again, please go and see your doctor to get professional help.

    I wish you all the best.

  • thetrueone

    Some of the problems that people face coming out of a high control group

    like that, is they tend to feel despondent and empty on who they really are,

    in other words their personal identity is still undefined and out of focus.

    These quite natural feelings, the JWS intentional place injury on to people who leave the organization

    and place a wicked label over them, which further adds to this problem of identify oneself as a true individual.

    The best thing to do for yourself is confirm how good of a person you are and better your personal integrity really

    is above that of a staid JWS. There books that you can read up on, in how to build up ones self-confidence,

    so do some research and continue on being a good person, even going to a point of being a good role modal for others to follow.

  • iknowall558

    Well, tonight is obviously the night for the whole shebang. I have the guts to do it and have just posted on another thread..about what I would say to myself when I was 20.

    What I have said....just came out of me....! It should have been said before now....and there is more besides. I have considered therapy and will perhaps see about all 'this', is not going away.

  • iknowall558
  • thetrueone

    This small book pertaining to people who have left a religious cult/religion

    is free to download and might be of some help.

  • paul from cleveland
    paul from cleveland

    It was painful to read your post on the other thread. Anyone who's been through what you've experienced would feel mentally and emotionally sick too. I wish with all my heart I had the power to take your pain away.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    yup that has been my year

  • WTWizard

    It can happen if you are used to making your own decisions only in the past year, and you make a bad one. Before, that was not in your hands. Now, you had the chance and made a whopper of a mistake. It is perfectly normal at this point to long for the security of the cancer, but not wise. Because, if you return, you will make an even worse mistake, and cut off the chance to learn from the mistake.

    It can also happen if you join another church or belief system, and after a time, that falls flat on its face. Many will go from being witlesses to being Christian, and then see a whopper of a problem with Christianity itself. Many end up atheist or Muslim. Still others will try one brand after another of Christianity, with the same results.

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