Damn,many jws claim that Lord Of The Rings is "demonic" "satanic" "promotes spiritualism" and that fairies,goblins,trolls and other fantasy creatures are Satan's minions and that we should not read/watch etc anything like that.However,elves and the rest are NOT REAL and the stories are fictional.Can't a JW read a sci-fi or fantasy book?Pffff
The Lord Of The Rings and other fairy-tales
by XPeterX 21 Replies latest jw friends
I am an avid reader and have read much on the societies black list. The only fantasy books I binned were Harry Potter (boy was I pissed off when I had to rebuy them.) and a David Gemmel book that used the name Jehovah in it. Other than that I have read most Sci Fi and fantasy books I could get my hands on.
The way I justified it was that in an old Awake article it said "some may justify reading such literature by saying that they are reading an allegorical tale of good versus evil..." So from then on all fantasy was just an allegorical tale the important thing was did good triumph over evil?
After all non fiction books dealing with real serial killers and general fiction can contain more that is damaging than Frodo walking to Mordor to throw a ring into a volcano.
Making these stupid restrictions is just another way of guaging the depth of control the society has over an individual.
Out at Last!
I really enjoyed the sci fi/ fantasy books of Stephen R. Donaldson. He wrote 3 triligies, starting with Lord Foul's Bane, and another series of around 7 books called The Gap series, kind of Star Treckish. I have read them all at least 3 times. I can give you specific titles and dates if you want, just PM me. Hell, I could even mail you most of them if I didn't think I would read them again.
I think the JWN poster Thomas Covenant may have read Stephen R. Donaldson too!
How about Simon R. Green?
Out at Last!
I was going thinking the same thing cantleave. I figured there was at least one other Donaldson fan out there. Haven't read any of Green, do you recomend?
That a JW would miss the Christian theology embedded in the works of both Tolkien and Lewis speaks volumes.
TD, not hard to miss if consider that jws have opinions about movies and books they have neither seen nor read, just parroting the words of elders, COs, etc. A case of the blind leading the blind.
A lot of JWs are Star Trek fans and I'm suprised they don't make claims that Klingons aren't being made as demons because of the ridges on the foreheads and such.
*** g95 12/8 pp. 7-8 A Look at Today’s Science Fiction ***Many in today’s world have clearly gone overboard in their devotion to science-fiction books and movies. Science-fiction clubs and conventions have proliferated. According to Time magazine, StarTrek fans on five continents have devoted themselves to learning the fictitious language Klingon, which was featured in StarTrek TV shows and movies. Such extreme behavior does not harmonize with the Bible’s counsel at 1 Peter 1:13: "Keep your senses completely ["keep balanced," footnote]."
The WTS doesn't like fantasy books and films?
Maybe they just don't like competition.