The Lord Of The Rings and other fairy-tales

by XPeterX 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • nugget

    I read the Thomas Covenant series and thought they were well worth the time invested. The anti hero made a welcome change from the powerful wizard or kings son brought up in obscurity to hide their identity.

    Simon R Green wrote Deathstalker series plus Hawk and fisher, Blue moon rising and others. His books are very tongue in cheek and an easy read. Simon Green has also done The man with the golden torc and Daemons are forever. Quite a lot of wit not too challenging. Good way to pass the time

    Tad Williams wrote The dragonbone chair series of fantasy stories, plus otherworld and war of the flowers. Worth perservering with takes time to get into but great pay off.

    Robin Hobb The assassins apprentice and other books great writing and deeply dark story telling.

    Robert Jordan, O for goodness sake, how to torture a hero. Just when you think there's some happiness coming wham bam back to doom and gloom. Read 9 books in the wheel of time series and then thought enough already.

    Terry Goodkind - Wizards first rule started the series well but again kept at it far too long.

    David Eddings, Raymond Feist are good ways into the genre all the key elements and an easy style. Also series generally extend over 5 books so much more managable than some of the epics others choose to write.

    Anne Macaffrey, Elizabeth Moon prolific writers in the sci fi genre but also light reading. Also try David Gemell for darker writing and more gritty style not too invested in the happy ending.

    My favourite sci fi book is Ender's Game which is surprising and thought provoking and short for anyone who wants a quick way into the genre. Issac Asimov, Ian M Banks and others true masters of the art.

    Thanks for the post I forgot how much I love my books will be spending some time getting reaquainted.

  • mrsjones5

    There's not way in hell any jw in good standing should be reading "The Dresden Files" series, it's chocked full of demons, wizards, vampires, an incubus or two, fairies, and various other mystic and demonic types. *snicker* I'm currently hooked on the series.

  • cantleave

    Raymond E Feist's "Faerie Tale" is one of my favourite books, and yes I read when I was an active dub - (Nugget was to blame).

  • HintOfLime

    As a child it always bothered me that we weren't allowed to read books like LotR (or in my case, play games like Final Fantasy), because of the cursory mention of a demon, etc.

    Why not? We sit around in the Kingdom Hall reading and talking about demons all the time, afterall. The bible is filled with stories about demons. My whole life was worrying about demons. So why couldn't I play a game where I came across and killed one or two in the course of a 100+ hour adventure?

    Here's where it gets fun though: As a teenager - 16 or so - I bought a book on 3D graphics programming - not even a storybook. The sample game you built with the book happened to be titled "warlock" - a boring clone of Wolfenstien 3D with no gameplay or content - just a title screen and 3D rooms to waunder around (adding enemies and weapons was left as an exercise for the reader). These books often came with a floppy disk or CD with the source code on them, which I installed. This 'demo' game didn't have a plot - or really anything to do with witchcraft.

    One day my dad found "warlock.exe" on his pc... and guess what happened? I tried to explain that all I needed to do was rename the exe and change the title image that came up when the game ran - but no. Not good enough. Clearly I was becomming interested in witchcraft - and this $50 programming bookdemon-infested tome of satanic knowledgehad to go. (Ok, a little sensationalist.. I did have to throw the book away and uninstall the source code, but at least he did offer to buy me a different programming book since I had spent my own money on it. Weird huh? A JW parent encouraging education.)

    Still, looking back... how did I not realize how stupid it all was?

    - Lime

  • cantleave

    HOL - When I was a kid Dungeons and Dragons was a big role playing condemned by the WTS. I remember kids in class playing and me just wanting to get out ASAP .

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I have never read a SF or Fantasy book with more supernatural events, pagan worship, and demons than the "Holy" Bible.

  • GLTirebiter

    Could Tolkien's assistance with a Catholic Bible translation have something to do with their opinion of his other work?

  • cantleave

    He was a language professor at Oxford, translation projects would have been par for the course for him. A bit more credible than Freddy Franz and the gang I would say.

  • Jadeen

    Mrs Jones, Jim Butcher's Codex Alera series is really good too.

  • blondie

    A "once upon a time" Bible story with talking trees, does this imply demonism?

    (Judges 9:8-15) . . ."Once upon a time the trees went to anoint a king over them. So they said to the olive tree, ‘Do be king over us.’ 9 But the olive tree said to them, ‘Must I give up my fatness with which they glorify God and men, and must I go to wave over the other trees?’ 10 Then the trees said to the fig tree, ‘You come, be queen over us.’ 11 But the fig tree said to them, ‘Must I give up my sweetness and my good produce, and must I go to wave over the other trees?’ 12 Next the trees said to the vine, ‘You come, be queen over us.’ 13 In turn the vine said to them, ‘Must I give up my new wine that makes God and men rejoice, and must I go to wave over the trees?’ 14 Finally all the other trees said to the bramble, ‘You come, be king over us.’ 15 At this the bramble said to the trees, ‘If it is in truth that YOU are anointing me as king over YOU, come, seek refuge under my shadow. But if not, let fire come out of the bramble and consume the cedars of Leb´a·non.’

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