
by roadrunner4speed 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • Caedes


    Excuses, excuses.

    I'll try my best grammer here..

    Fallen at the first hurdle... oh dear! Did you try my alt F4 trick?

  • ziddina

    Caedes: "Tell me would you rather get on a plane designed according to scientific theory or would you rather get on one I think will work?...."

    I'm going to re-work that comment just a bit...

    "Tell me; would you rather get on a plane designed according to scientific theory, or would you rather get on one I [BELIEVE] will work?"

    There! That's better!!! Zid

  • Caedes


    Absolutely, just the point I was trying to convey.

    Shame Roadrunner doesn't seem capable of answering.

  • Gerard
    I wonder how many people will mock you like they've mocked me.. Welcome to the folder.. Bet these self proclaimed scientist will be silent whan all is said and done. All I put forth was a theory.

    I hear you bro! I can't believe you and I are the only ones in this forum with the common sense to give creationism the rightful place over the sinful sciences. As I mentioned, my research is scientific and ground-breaking, so I will be able to publish it soon in a peer-reviewed journal and I will show those technocrats -using their own tools- the wrongfulness and horrible bias of using scientific methods to collect what they call "evidence" on evolution.

    I don't care if other posters mock me or my theories, as I showed above, humans and dinos coexisted to the degree that we share lots of genetic alleles, traits and behavior. And I have proven that at down to the molecular level! What I'd like to find out next is if the dinos were aware of creation and if they were grateful to Jehovah. I am sure they served Him in their own way and within their limitations. My working hypothesiss is that the hebivores were the chosen ones by Jehovah, as they could approach smaller animals without instilling fear in them. But that will be an article for a different scientific journal.

  • ziddina

    Gerard... "and verifiable scientific proofs that early early European settlers subsisted on a diet based on dinosaur milk..."

    Laughing my ARSE off!!!

    Oh, and RoadBrainHasBeenRunOver's reply is priceless!! "I wonder how many people will mock you like they've mocked me.. Welcome to the folder...."

    Hmm. How does it feel in that folder??? I would think you'd want to be in that "fold"!! "²foldvt: to pen up or confine (as sheep) in a fold"...


    [RoadBrainHasBeenRunOver]???? [RoadKillBrain]??????

  • shamus100

    What a stupid thread.

  • Caedes
    What a stupid thread.

    Does that mean I don't get a kiss?!

  • shamus100


    You kiss me, I rip your face off.

    Jeez, are you a newb or what?

  • ziddina

    "humans and dinos coexisted to the degree that we share lots of genetic alleles, traits and behavior....."

    Actually, my genetic alleles are much closer to those of a Sequoia... Zid

    ("My working hypothesiss is that the hebivores were the chosen ones by Jehovah, as they could approach smaller animals without instilling fear in them....")

    But Gerard, before the Global Flood, all dinosaurs were vegetarians! See Leolaia's pix for details...

  • roadrunner4speed
    JWoodsRe: Dinosaurs posted ~ 4 hours ago (3/17/2010)

    Post 2346 of 2349
    Since 6/23/2009
    Anything dealing with the water canapoy can be looked up on the internet.

    Obviously. The internet is full of information on the water << canapoy >>.

    But what does that have to do with the Dinosaurs?

    When the water canopy came down most of the Dinosaurs would have drown as would have all those not in the ark..

    Hope I answered your question.

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