Il y a quelqu'un de France ici?
by paul from cleveland 16 Replies latest jw friends
Sour Grapes
Je ne parle francaise.
Merci beaucoup,
Sour Grapes
Cher Paul, bien que je suis espagnole, si tu as besoin d'une petite traduction ou quelque chose d'autre, je serai heureuse de t'aider. Il y avait Narkissos, bien sûr, mais ça fait longtemps qu'on ne l'entend pas...
paul from cleveland
Sour Grapes, merci.
Goldensky, Je suis stupéfait ! Combien de langues connaissez-vous ?
This is so cute! Let me see if I can decipher:
Paul ask if anyone's speaks French or is from France?
Sour Grapes says, No but I've been to France?
Then Goldensky says: something about where she's been?
Paul says thank you to Sour Grapes and then gets excited about what Goldnesky said?
How close am I?? Give me something easy people.
Did Godensky combine two languages?
Este tabernac!
I'm very afraid monkey to decipher your stuff
Goldensky writes Paul:
Dear Paul, although I am spanish, if you need a little translation or some other thing, I will be happy to help you. There is Narkissos of course, but it has been a long time we have not heard from him.
In Quebec most curse words are against the Catholic church, Shamus has picked up a couple of the most common ones. Cawliss comes from Chalice, the cup the wine is sipped from and Tabernac is from the word tabernacle.
paul from cleveland
I asked if anyone here is from France. Sour grapes said, no but I speak French, thank you. Goldensky said Dear Paul, although I'm Spanish, I'll be happy to help if you need a little translating or something. Of course Narkissos used to be here but we haven't heard from him in awhile. Then Shamus cursed in Quebecian French.