Glassman, then how do you explain the suicides of ones that feel they fell short of God's expectations?
You said The Lord would never give us more than we can handle.
For some he has. Maybe it's time he listened?!?!?!
by dandingus 62 Replies latest jw friends
Glassman, then how do you explain the suicides of ones that feel they fell short of God's expectations?
You said The Lord would never give us more than we can handle.
For some he has. Maybe it's time he listened?!?!?!
I believe it to be a personal choice, I'm not in any position to judge what is wrong or right in such a personal decision. I can not sit and judge some one's life and the pain that they felt be it emotional or physical and say either way, as to whether or not wrong or right in ending their life, I can not feel their pain or sadness so I can not judge.
To keep on living or to end one's own life is a very personal decision I have no judgements for others and how they deal this very personal matter, I don't think I would try to interfere with a person's right to live or die, it is their choice and I would not want to be responsible either way by preventing them in some way if they chose to end their life, to me it is a personal choice which I respect.
Hasten, Blessed Day!
Haven't we all fell short of God's expectations? Isn't that why we have a merciful God who will forgive us, provided we don't reject Him? Was Judas justified in hanging himself? Peter on the same night, betrayed Jesus as well, but Peter sought forgiveness instead of killing himself.
We are not all the same Glassman, what one can handle and do another cannot.
It's precisely the kind of thinking you have that I had to get away from to help my daughter as I posted earlier.
As with all things, it depends on the circumstances.
A terminally ill patient hoping to avoid pain in exchange for giving up a few weeks or months of life should have the right to make that decision.
A terminally stupid teenager who just lost his girlfriend should not.
It is interesting that the bible itself is strangely silent on this issue - the only two mentions that I can think of were Samson and Judas.
Was Judas justified in hanging himself? Peter on the same night, betrayed Jesus as well, but Peter sought forgiveness instead of killing himself.
Their betrayal wasn't quite on the same level.
God knows that we are not all the same and He will not intervine in someone's life unless they ask Him. Free will - we all have choices. Everyone has different sufferings, but no one can say that one person suffers more than another.
the only two mentions that I can think of were Samson and Judas.
Imagine if it had been at a birthday party...