"Spawn of Satan!"
Those are just a few from Jehovah's Witnesses towards those who have left the Watchtower organization to become a follower of Jesus Christ.
Do they know they are blaspheming against the Holy Spirit? Who are they to decide that if one should leave the organization to follow Jesus Christ is actually a follower of Satan? In Matthew 12:31-32 , the Pharisees, having witnessed irrefutable proof that Jesus was working miracles in the power of the Holy Spirit, claimed instead that the Lord was possessed by the demon “Beelzebub” ( Matthew 12:24 ). Now notice that in Mark 3:30 Jesus is very specific about what they did to commit “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.”
This blasphemy has to do with someone accusing Jesus Christ of being demon-possessed instead of Spirit-filled. As a result, this particular incidence of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be duplicated today. Jesus Christ is not on earth—He is seated at the right hand of God. No one can witness Jesus Christ performing a miracle and then attribute that power to Satan instead of the Spirit. The closest example today would be attributing the miracle of a redeemed person’s changed life to Satan’s power rather than to the effects of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
So, when a Jehovah's Witnesses curses you for being a follower of Jesus Christ - they are grieving the Holy Spirit by saying they are "possessed" by Satan's power. Are they not like modern-day Pharisees? Also, to remove the Holy Spirit in baptism and insert its own organization as "spirit-directed" since they teach the Holy Spirit is not a person, but an "active force".
The Holy Spirit can:
- communicate ('speak') (Acts 13:2),
- intercede (step in on behalf of someone) (Romans 8:26),
- testify (John 15:26)
- guide (John 16:13),
- command (Acts 16:6,7),
- appoint (Acts 20:28),
- lead (Romans 8:14),
- reveal to someone how wrong, foolish, or sinful he/she was (John 16:8).
- seal God's promise in believers' hearts (Ephesians 1:13-14)
- shape the life of each person and community to Christ's (Romans 8:1-17)
In the Bible, the Holy Spirit has intellect , passions , and will , and can be grieved . In short, the Spirit has a personality .
The key way of giving the Holy Spirit grief is malice, which is shown as bitterness, rage, anger, clamor (making lots of noise and disruption), and slander. Paul follows this description by what makes for a happy Holy Spirit : forgiving others as, in Christ, God forgave you .
The Holy Spirit can act in whatever manner the Spirit wants to act. The Spirit generally acts through the church, but doesn't have to; the Wind blows where it will. The Spirit is free not toalways be seriously focused on those purposes; the Spirit can have fun while at work.
This is all stuff that can't be true of a mere "active force". That is how we often experience the Spirit and know of the Spirit's presence, but that is not what the Spirit is. As God,the Holy Spirit is cause , and that cause has effect . Yet, the Watchtower reduces the Holy Spirit to a force, or to a collective will or a living memory of the gathered believers, or the force of emotion or conscience within a person. Those people, fine as they may be, are describing a different spirit than the Holy Spirit as viewed by the Christian faith. The Spirit works in all of these ways and more, yet against all of them at times. The Spirit works in whatever ways are needed to do what needs to be done, except in choosing not to take forceable control of people's actions.