Yes go to Meetings and field service otherwise no "payday" for you! Witnesses spend many hours serving Jehovah because they will live forever in Paradise on earth.....yes, they won't die like the rest of is this really why people serve God...for a final payday in the future?
Do Witnesses serve Jehovah for a "Paradise" payday!!
by Witness 007 15 Replies latest jw experiences
Yes they do. Worship is certainly not out of a selfless love or appreciation of a creator, but a selfish "what's in it for me?"
In theory you serve God because you love him and want to please him. We are told we do not serve for a date or a time and the CO made it clear that any of us could die at any time. It is coincidental that there is a reward to be had JWs should serve their god whether there is a paradise or not because they owe him.
It is a bit like looking after parents who become dependent you nurse them and care for them because you love them. At some point in the future you may inherit a fortune but the care is done for love not because you expect something.
That is the theory but in truth it is the prospect of living forever, the thought that dead relatives may come back and you'd miss them, the hope that all those things you so desperately wanted to accomplish would be available to you all that keeps you at the grindstone. As a member of the great crowd you have moved so far down the pecking order it is all you have to cling to. It's like the dependent relative isn't your dad or mum, it's some strangers dad or mum and you are staff doing a job for which you get no pay. You have to beg the relatives to ask the sick person to remember you in their will.
Yes, and add to it, fear of not living in Paradise and being destroyed at God's loving war of Armageddon.
Just like the Crusaders lovingly converted the Muslims, "Convert or die!"
The JW's share the same hope of JG's loving message to mankind, "Serve me or die" and as an extra bonus, you can get one free eternal life in Paradise to go with that.
I would always hear that, you should serve Jah regardless...but I always felt like it was a lot of serving, for not a lot of payout...
The scripture "And MAYBE you'll be concealed in the day of his anger" always sounded like a lottery chance, and I never did like those odds. Of course I still kept up the requirements.
Why else would they serve him, it wouldn't be for love as they don't know the meaning of the word.
To be fair, I feel that most revealed religions and most religious people do this: they expect a reward. In some religions the reward is simply like the fruit of hard work. I have the feeling that, for JW's, the reward is being spared when Jah the whimsical decides to destroy everyone.
Not everyone does the right thing for the sake of the right thing.
I have the feeling, however, that expecting a payday comes with conversion. Have you noticed that Jehovah's witnesses tell you that "you can live on paradise Earth"? From the very start, they tell you that something is in it for you. How can you not expect JW's to expect something in return, if that was what they were offered in the first place? And, of course, the same is also true of other religions and Christians.
I have always thought there was a psychological connection in that people would expect that Jehovah owed them something and that's why you punched a timecard----turning in your 'work' hours.
JG, the Great Deal Maker.
You do this for me and I will do this for you.
One old JW friend used to make deals with him, If you do this for me, some favor, I will promise to Pioneer for two months or make contributions to the WTS.
How many would honestly keep doing what they're doing for no reward?
This is also why it is not a volunteer work!