How do you cope with boredom at meetings?

by MMXIV 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I can see that most of this boredom was during a time when you were minor children of one or more jw parents and could not leave and were being monitored.

    I wrote poetry (in shorthand) which my mum could not read.

    I also played a version of Boggle using the WTS.

    As an adult I made shopping lists, planned vacations, brought a different bible translation to see how they were different (not much at all)

    After having learned to deal with 2 hour boring meetings, it was much easier to deal with boring school periods and later work meetings.

  • pixiesticks

    We were never allowed to do any activities that didn't relate to the meetings, so when I was younger, I used to make a chart of words like 'Jehovah' 'Jesus' 'Satan' and so on. Then I'd tally-chart mark every time a speaker said one of the words. Sometimes I'd choose just one word and have a competition with one of my sisters.
    When I got older I'd just go to sleep. Or daydream. I have a really intense imagination so that can keep me occupied for quite a while.

  • Heartofaboy

    As a kid I used to stare & stare & stare at the speaker giving the PT at the KH until my eyes could see psychedelic colours all round him under the artificial lighting.

  • blondie
  • VIII

    I drew all over the mags, the bible, the books, etc. I had doodles, notes, markings, etc. all over. My mom gave me my old books and I was shocked at how much I drew (hearts, notes, every doodle and names of bands).

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    I would open the bible on my lap tilt my head down so my hair would fall forward like a curtain and then doze off. now I just stay home.

  • garyneal

    I would count the lights in the ceiling over the stage. I would see how many triangles I could make out of them by connecting them together mentally. Sometimes, I would just look things up in the Bible.

  • dissed

    By commenting a lot.....

    "Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!"

  • TheSilence

    When I was under the rule of my parents and my mom made me go so my dad wouldn't fight for custody... I slept. Pissed my dad off to no end, but, you know, I was there against my will, going home to my mom who was more than happy that I slept through it and wouldn't get me in trouble for it, and in my rebellious teenage years. Once I was no longer under my parents' rule, I alleviated the boredom by simply not attending. :D


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I guess I'm new at this fading thing. I look over the paragraphs and listen to the speakers and comments to pick out the mind control techniques and how they are working. It's a fascinating study in human behavior for awhile. Then after a time it becomes really discouraging. I sometimes wish I was unethical enough to start my own cult; I'd be filthy stinking rich. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I can barely bring myself to attend meetings at all.

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