"All Black People Must Leave"

by snowbird 102 Replies latest social current

  • shamus100

    Kiss me love...

  • snowbird
  • shamus100

    You've made the monkey sad....

  • ziddina

    "So ALL of us, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, are actually African... some of us are just lighter-skinned Africans than others..."

    Like Agonus said... I might be a little closer, genetically speaking - in fact, quite a few "whites" may be closer than they think... I'm BLACK IRISH , which means that in the late 1500's, when the Spanish Armada was approaching England to conquer it and return it to the "Mother" religion - Catholicism - they sailed right into a nasty hurricane season which caused many of their ships to break formation. [There were other factors in the failure of the invasion, but I'm focusing on blood lines, right now...]

    Blown off course, many of these ships wrecked on the shores of Ireland, Scotland and Wales... Catherine Zeta-Jones is BLACK Welsh, just to give you a clearer mental picture...

    Tracing the Spanish bloodlines back, there was a large invasion of Berber/Arab forces to conquer Spain for Islam, around 700 - 800 A.D., if I remember correctly. The "Alhamorades" - cat sitting on my lap, so I can't get up and check the spelling in my history book - were a Berber dynasty that ruled Spain for about 100 years... So, there's probably QUITE a bit of Berber/Arab/North African blood in the Spanish, too...

    And YES! Snowbird, I DO have the 'devil' in me!! [tho it gets a little crowded in there, sometimes - I get heartburn... ] Zid

  • snowbird

    Alhambra built by the Moors.


  • ziddina

    "I had a man sitting in front of me, an attorney with over four decades of experience and in charge of the condo association in the building we have just moved into. I tried to strike up a friendly conversation, and among other unsavory things, he began tell me that people like me are all corrupt liars, cheats, and thieves...."

    "My brother tells me to pray for him...."

    Crap, yes, Burn The Ships - pray for him!!! Pray for him to fall down the stairs...

    [Wish I had OUTLAW's smileys here - he has one of a guy falling down stairs!!!]

    OR - as my Wiccan High Priestess' friend suggested, pray that he reaches his highest good... Which means he will learn a LOT of PAINFUL lessons on the way!!!

    Zid - who DEFINITELY has the devil in her!!

  • snowbird


    Calm down, Zid!

    It's ok.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Zid! Watch that Wiccan Rede, now! You'll get yourself a heapin' helpin' serving of karma for that one

    A witch that has the devil in her. Now I've seen everything!

  • ziddina

    Yes, Snowbird!

    Alhambra, if I remember correctly, was built in the last 20 - 30 years of Moorish occupation of Spain - which puts it in the 1400's, I think...

    My cat's off my lap...

    From the book, "History of the Islamic Peoples" by Carl Brockelmann...

    [speaking of Hisham, brother of Yazid II... trying to find dates for his rule...]

    "Under Hisham the Arabs exerted greater pressure... In the war against the Christians in Spain the Muslims had hitherto often been hindered by disunity between the Arabs and the Berbers, who felt themselves discriminated against. The Berber Munazah had even seceded, established his independence along the northern border and made an alliance with Eudo, duke of Aquitaine..." [page 97]

    [pages 180 - 181; approximately past the time of 1150 or so...] "In Spain also Islam had long since passed the zenith of its power. Under the last Umayyads the victorious wars against the Christians had been brought to a halt by the dissension between the Berbers and the Arabs..."

    So, I meant the Umayyads - but gotta read more of this book. I skimmed it while researching my Berber SCA name to prove that it existed historically, but didn't read the book in its entirety... Plus, it's been a few years since I've skimmed the book, too!


  • ziddina

    Aw, White Dove, you remember my thread, "I'm no longer a Pagan"??? I'm a "Neo-Polytheist"!

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