I am the physicist lol. I am not a theoretical physicist my degree is in medical radiation physics. It is a branch of applied physics. If I had not been born into the JW cult, perhaps I would have pursued a career in theoretical physics. I was discouraged from attending university and only started college in my mid 20's. By then I needed to support a family, so I chose a career tract that could earn me money as quickly a possible. To bad I turned down all those scholarships I had been offered when I first graduated high school.
An Explanation of why TIME TRAVEL does not work
by Terry 110 Replies latest jw friends
Im not sure how this effects your theory, but the Astronauts in the international space station are effected by time dialation. Time Dialation is also one of the factors of the GPS system to synchronize them for the rapid movement of the satellites. Interesting Blog
Darth Fader
There is nothing inherently UNCERTAIN about an electron. A thing is what it is. A=A.
Not exactly true.
You are correct in that our act of measuring can actually change things and lead to uncertainty, but there is also an inherent uncertainty to the quantum world not related to an act of measurement or observation.
At the level of the very small, all we have are probabilities. This allows very bizarre things to happen. Objects can be two things at once (double slit experiment). Objects can be in two places at the same time (Bose Einstein condensate, ). It is only direct conscious observation that seems to collapse the fuzziness.
Is Mind also an irreducible quantity, like Time, or Space, or Matter?
We are however, learning to harness these phenomena, and starting to put them to practical use:
We are still standing at the shore, with a vast uncharted ocean before us.
Room 215
Another constraint to time travel -- especially rearward travel --- is the principle of causality... essentially, causality prohibits one from going back to a point before one was born.
One of the fallacies is called the Argument from Ignorance.
Not to be contrary, but i am not at all following your arguments. Physicists and cosmologist know very well what they mean when they are talking about engergy, just like I know what I mean when i talk about virtual pool rebalancing, jus like any of my peers would, or when like doctor mentions tachycardia to another doctor. You seem to be tossing that concept out because YOU don't know what it means and at one point invoked Plato or Aristotle to define something?
It's very difficult to follow your hypothsis because you're using non-traditional definitions and tossing out well defined concepts and replacing them with something you thought up or 2000 year old ideas.
Could you clearly re-state what you are trying to say?
In logic there are Fallacies.
One of the fallacies is called the Argument from Ignorance.
What it addresses is coming to conclusions based...not on what we do know, but, on what we do not know.
If something is unknown or ill-defined ti is automatically mysterious.
This, however, is not a very good basis for inserting God into the empty hole.
Using our mind to understand our mind is like trying to lift ourselves up by pulling hard on our bootstraps.
If we make a list of the things we don't know and add them up we cannot simply shout: THIS MUST MEAN GOD!
So what? It's a matter of semantics. If I want to call it God then who cares? If I want to call it a soul then who cares? I could call it a soul and God and you could call it the empty hole of the unknown.
Using my mind to understand my mind? What else am I supposed to use? What do scientists use? What are you using? Are you suggesting we NOT try to understand what our mind is?
Another constraint to time travel -- especially rearward travel --- is the principle of causality... essentially, causality prohibits one from going back to a point before one was born.
There are causality concerns with backward time travel, but the point you were born has nothing to do with it. I think you are thinking about the classic example of going back in time to kill your one of your antecedents, thereby preventing your own birth and thus your ability to go back in time to kill that person in the first place.
But there are countless other ways to violate causality even if you go back to a point after you were born.
The problem with most people is that their minds are firmly rooted on Earth.
Yeah, I've thought about the same thing. The DeLorean would have ended up in empty space (most likely) when it jumped through time. It certainly would not have been on the Earth.