Can You Get DFd for Working for the Department of Defense?

by daniel-p 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p

    I'm chatting with my brother as we speak. It's not looking good.

  • minimus

    sorry to hear this.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Just to clarify the primary question of this thread:

    You can get DFd for ANYTHING because they can consider your attitude in their decision.

  • leavingwt

    Hang in there.

    I can assure you that there IS life after exiting WT. It's not easy when it's all going down and during the immediate aftermath.

  • minimus

    They will not disfellowship. YOU would've disassociated yourself.

  • RubaDub
    I got a job offer with an agency under the U.S. Department of Defense.

    Not to harp on the same point, but you mentioned that the offer came from "an agency under the Department of Defense."

    Why in the world would you even mention the Department of Defense to anyone who might take it the wrong way ??? You would work for the agency, not directly for the DoD. In the past 10 years, I don't think most people that have worked making Kraft Cheese, Oreo cookies, Miller Beer or about 50 other household products would say they work "under" Philip Morris (tobacco).

    No, just becase Philip Morris owned all or parts of these companies, didn't mean the people were making cigarettes.

    If you want to stir things up that's one thing, but you could have made it a non-issue by just being a bit more discreet.

    Rub a Dub

  • minimus

    Let's give suggestions to help Daniel out now.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I hope you get to carry a rifle with a bayonett.......for when the Elders come by to disfellowship you!

  • daniel-p

    1:59 PM Brother : what's up man 2:00 PM sorry took me so long to respond at work now and trying to watch march madness online at the same time... 2:06 PM me : hey, yeah i got the job offer 2:10 PM Brother : Really!? Where? 2:12 PM me : ************ Brother : wow! For who? 2:13 PM on the ****** River. Cool 2:15 PM me : yep good pay, good benefits, even a recruitment bonus for moving expenses pretty thrilled 2:16 PM Brother : That's great, man! How's [WIFE] feel about it? 2:17 PM me : pretty good you know how change is moving and everything 2:18 PM she probably would have preferred staying closer to family for a while, but this is a pretty good break that we shouldnt pass up and there should actually be more jobs for her too 2:19 PM i mean she would have a job with the *******l here where she already has an internship, but even ******** have not been doing too much hiring out here in ** 2:20 PM plus this gets us out ****, a little closer to where we want to end up 2:22 PM Brother : I see. 2:23 PM So, sounds like you've decided to accept the offer? How much time are they giving you to get there? me : and I need work by June anyway, and this would start around then im pretty sure im going to accept it 2:24 PM it takes them about 8-10 weeks to get it through HR so Im figuring around June Brother : Well, you will be a daddy by then. me : yep 2:27 PM Brother : Hey, what's the name of the company you'll be working for? 2:28 PM me : I would be a Navy civilian ****** ******* ****** ******* [Name of agency and type of work] 2:29 PM Brother : Are you serious? Have you really thought that all the way through? 2:30 PM me : yes what do you think? 2:34 PM Brother : What do you think? What's the difference between serving in the military or helping them at their bases/facilities so they can more effectively carry out their "duties"? 2:38 PM me : well one involves "taking up arms" and the other doesnt there is no difference between what id be doing and what they'd get from a private contractor providing the same services 2:39 PM but what this really comes down to is the difference between your choices and my choices you exercise your conscience for your choices, not my choices 2:40 PM Brother : You asked what I thought and I told you. I need to think about it some more. I'm not making your choices for you. It's not between me and you. It's between you and Jehovah. 2:41 PM me : i was being mildly sarcastic by asking "what do you think" as in, yes i have certainly thought about it sorry 2:43 PM I remember society articles in the past discussing performing janitorial services for a casino 2:44 PM cleaning up every night certainly helps the casino "perform its duties"

    2:52 PM Brother : Yeah, I haven't really done that type of research lately. I'm just thinking of a brother we had in our congregation here in ***** He's dead from liver disease now, but when he came into the truth he was working for the Department of Defense He handled satellite technology and stuff like that. 2:53 PM Before he could get baptized he had to change his employment He went to work for a power company instead The difference is who pays you. 2:54 PM Like with a janitor service, are you the employee just going to clean where your boss tells you? Or are you the boss negotiating and getting the contract with the casino/church/whatever. There's a difference. me : not by much 2:56 PM even then, plenty of jw janitors get contracts with casinos in any case, this does nto involve "taking up arms" 2:57 PM Brother : Yes, I understand that. It's not the same as carrying a gun. The point isn't to get my view or yours. It's trying to understand Jehovah's viewpoint. 2:58 PM We all carry our own load as you know and we each must stand before his judgment, not each other's. me : yes but inevitably someone feels the need to expound Jehovah's viewpoint for me 3:00 PM Brother : Their motives are not bad Daniel-P. You do what you want, but the fact is Jehovah has an organization that operates in heaven and on earth, as you well know. And that organization is designed to keep our relationship strong. What we do individually affects other people. That's all there is to it 3:02 PM me : so what youre saying is, We all stand before Jehovah's judgment but we'll determine if someone can exercise their own conscience or not 3:04 PM Brother : Not true. Your conscience is not infallible. Just because you feel something is right, doesn't mean it is. 3:05 PM me : who declares that infalability? Brother : What I'm saying is the exercise of your conscience affects your relationship with Jehovah. 3:06 PM me : ok i understand that but are you now going to tell me how it affects it? or is someone else going to come and tell me how it affects MY personal relationship with him? 3:07 PM Brother : Excuse me for a minute. I'm at work.. 3:10 PM me : Brother, I'm sorry if me doing [type of work] for the [DoD] offends you, but in the end its not your choice. As you said, we all make our own choices, and we all stand before judgment to Jehovah. You simply cannot say that with one breath, and then imply that such judgment between people would be ok if it "keeps our relationship strong." That's a double standard. if it offends you, that's fine, because youre not doing it

  • daniel-p

    Not to harp on the same point, but you mentioned that the offer came from "an agency under the Department of Defense."

    Why in the world would you even mention the Department of Defense to anyone who might take it the wrong way ??? You would work for the agency, not directly for the DoD. In the past 10 years, I don't think most people that have worked making Kraft Cheese, Oreo cookies, Miller Beer or about 50 other household products would say they work "under" Philip Morris (tobacco).

    No, just becase Philip Morris owned all or parts of these companies, didn't mean the people were making cigarettes.

    If you want to stir things up that's one thing, but you could have made it a non-issue by just being a bit more discreet.

    Rub a Dub

    Rub, no where have I actually told anyone that I got an offer from the DoD, that's just what I've been saying on here because I don't want to say the specific agency it is. In all the conversaions above with my brother I am telling him the specific agency, not the DoD, as I've inserted here just since its public. In reality, it is with a certain benign agency under the Navy (which is, in turn, under the DoD), not that "Navy" sounds any better from a JW perspective.

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