What are the most piercing questions I can ask?

by paul from cleveland 24 Replies latest jw friends


    Ask her if she thinks she'll deserve to get disfellowshipped if she gets raped, because she didn't try hard enough to fight the person off.

  • PSacramento


    I remembered when my Mom got Baptized, it was a very happy momement in her Life and I was there ( I didn't fully understand what was going on, the magnitiude of thr whole thing).

    My sister never invited me to hers, she said she knew "it meant nothing to me".

    Last year my Dad got baptized and I was there and my heart broke, it was a sad and painful occasion for me.

    I got him a gift, I made him a frame with a biblical passage:

    1John 4 15:16

    15 Whoever makes the confession that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, God remains in union with such one and he in union with God. 16 And we ourselves have come to know and have believed the love that God has in our case.God is love, and he that remains in love remains in union with God and God remains in union with him.

    Hoping that he woudl understand, to see what I was trying to tell him.

    Yeah, it didn't work.

    I am not sure what can be said to ANYONE that has decided, that has made up their mind that theirs is the ONE path and all others are wrong.

  • paul from cleveland
    paul from cleveland

    Paul!!!!! I'm so glad to see you back!

    I'm at work right now but I took a quick glance at this thread and saw your name. When I get home, I'm going to read your post in detail. I just want to thank you for coming back and letting me know your thoughts.

  • bluecanary
  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    If you are going to try to undermine someone's heartfelt decision to serve God in a way THEY FEEL is right, the least you could do is provide the right path, the right place where they can find truth.

    Ah. The "Where else shall we go?" argument.

    What's wrong with simply trying to get someone out of a destructive, mind control cult? Why does that necessarily have to be replaced with another system of beliefs?

  • bluecanary
    If you are going to try to undermine someone's heartfelt decision to serve God in a way THEY FEEL is right, the least you could do is provide the right path, the right place where they can find truth.

    If I see someone who is engaged in a destructive activity, I should not only suggest they stop, but tell them what to do instead? What about freedom of determination? There's a difference between knowing what's true and what isn't true. If I see someone eating goat feces to cure their baldness, I can't direct them to a cure, but I can sure suggest that they desist.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread
    What's wrong with simply trying to get someone out of a destructive, mind control cult? Why does that necessarily have to be replaced with another system of beliefs?

    Look, while undermining your beliefs, at least the JW's offer you SOMETHING, right? Whether someone thinks it is truth or lie, it is a replacement for what you currently believe.

    Judge Dread

  • bluecanary
    Look, while undermining your beliefs, at least the JW's offer you SOMETHING, right?

    If your contention is that SOMETHING is inherently better than nothing, I disagree. If I take away your lollipop and give you nothing, that's better than taking away your lollipop and giving you rat poison.

    If, however, your contention is that replacing their something with something else is a more effective way to get them to leave the JWs, then you may be on to something.

  • undercover
    What else can I ask her to open her heart before she becomes one of the "pod people"?

    Ask her to look up the questions that she'll have to answer during the baptism talk, right before getting dunked...

    Based on those questions, will she be getting baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit...or...in the name of the Father, Son and Organization. Where in the Bible does it command...or even mention... getting baptized into an orgnization?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Look, while undermining your beliefs, at least the JW's offer you SOMETHING, right?

    From my understanding, the poster is afraid of losing his relationship with his sister once she gets baptized into the cult. From this perspective, nothing would actually be better then something.

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