I didn't mean there is no evidence that they are wrong. I just meant that, for me, I haven't read the "nail in the coffin" proof that I'm looking for. Yet.
What I've found here
by paul from cleveland 31 Replies latest jw friends
Black Sheep
I didn't really find the convincing proof I was looking for.
Someone here said something along the lines of, "You can get the man out of the cult, but can you get the cult out of the man?"
I have no Armageddon button now. It was worn out from being pushed too often. It took a long time though, I was 52 by the time I actually sat down and did some serious research to find out why the WT's Armageddon had failed. I did that using Google to point me in the direction of the WT's own articles, many of which I had on my own bookshelf and WTCD or found in online ZWTs from IBS websites. The WTCD search function was used just as much as Google.
Soon after that I found JWD and was pleasantly surprised to find a friendly community of people who had gone through the same process and had lost the judgemental streak that we had inherited from our indoctrination.
Paul, I hope everything goes great for you.I hope you find the evidence you are looking about the Watchtower.If you choose to continue with the Watchtower or leave,I wish you the best.
It's interesting where our "baseline belief" goes, our default "truth."
If someone came up and said, "I've seen a brilliant gold dragon", we'd ask for proof.
If someone comes up and says, "God is going to destroy the world," people often say, "When?"
I am glad you feel you have found love and total acceptance here. Living in fear (of Armageddon), non-acceptance or very conditional love(?) or interest is not much of an existence - that is the life of a victim dealing with an abuser. But you say you are still not convinced that JWs don't have the "truth."
Maybe for you it will have to have be more of the "test of time." Your picture (shown previously) shows you as young. I hope you keep researching and re-evaluating. I hope you don't feel the need to go back to the WT and waste the rest of your youth with them. Some of us spent our youth, too many years there and found in the long run, there was no value, no long-term value at all, empty promises. I am so glad to see so many youth leaving the WT, getting educations, and not letting the organization "burn them out." If you see "love" and genuine concern for you here, love is what conquers. Love is more important than a bunch of information with unprovable promises, based on an embarassing history full of lies. I certainly wish you the best!
I haven't read the "nail in the coffin" proof that I'm looking for.
WHAT would it take , for you to leave the Watchtower Organization, recognizing that they are not 'God's Organization'?
Steve Hassan suggests asking people this question.
paul from cleveland
Gayle, you're right. I don't want to go back. It felt like everyone there was just a shell of emptiness. Including me. We were all looking for love but none of us had it within ourselves to offer it to each other. How could we feel loved when our God was a relentless task master that was going to destroy most of mankind. All of us unless we stayed on the treadmill.
I think it's as simple as Black Sheep stated: "You can get the man out of the cult, but can you get the cult out of the man?" It's just so ingrained.
It's just so ingrained.
Yes, it is. For a period of time, it's natural to wake up each morning and tell yourself, "But, I KNOW this is the truth. Surely, it's the truth!"
Then, your logical self begins speaking. You remind yourself that 1914/1919 are both incorrect, so WT's claim to authority is one big lie. (Just one point of error, but one that underminds everything else.)
"But, I know it's the truth!"
AK - Jeff
We are glad to have you Paul.
Take a look in the 'Best of' area of the forum. There have been some wonderfully detailed threads on matters of importance that might be that 'nail' in the coffin you seek.
Aside that, my best suggestion, the 'nails' that I first found and used to close the WT coffin for good - read Ray's books.
Paul, one of the simplest books with straightforward logic that you might try is CAPTIVES OF A CONCEPT.
You can download it for $7 immediately at http://www.captivesofaconcept.com/NewOrderInformation.html
or http://www.lulu.com/content/128319
I don't know what you consider a "nail in the coffin" but I found Steve Hassan's books to be plenty enough, top that off with Ray Franz's insight on how the JW's don't actually have the guidance of Holy Spirit and are just a 2/3rds majority corporation, then his second book that details how they are wrong in many ways.
The book I suggested is easy for anyone that doesn't want to get deep into the doctrine. It simply shows that WTS was not teaching things acceptable to Jesus when they say he "chose" them.