RUSSIA: Raids, literature confiscations and criminal case in Tambov--first such reported home raids against them since the Soviet era--Forum 18 News Service reports

by cattails 39 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DaCheech

    try justifying the witlesses to anyone who has lost family to their shunning/brainwashing?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The problem with home raids as I see it is that they're attacking the victims of the cult while the cult leaders go unscathed. Why not go to the branch and arrest everyone there? Why go to a private family's home? If the Russian authorities REALLY felt they were protecting people, they wouldn't attack the rank and file members, they'd go after the cult corporation and its leaders.

    It's sad the way they're doing this. They're only serving the borg's persecution complex this way.

  • donuthole

    As I understand it they have already seized the Watchtower's facilities in Russia. Why is the literature so important to the Witnesses that they can't do without it? As someone mentioned if the literature is the problem why not just use the Bible?

  • LatinxJW

    The WT wants people to get arrested it only proves the point that it's the so called Truth.

  • SirNose586

    Hey, great point! They claim to be Bible educators, so let them use the Bible alone. I am a bit concerned that this will blow up somehow...

  • jehovahsheep

    what about some of the strict rules in islam?that wouldnt be pc to talk about -now would it?

  • donuthole

    It is not necessarily about "strict rules" it is about how those rules affect the freedom of religion of others. The Watchtower cries about freedom of religion but they simply do not provide their own members freedom of religion. When someone is a Witness and wants to change they must choose between their religion and their family. The family typically does not want to shun their relative but they are told they must by the literature or they face punishment themselves. This is the kind of thing that Russian law would try to prevent - where people are forced into a situation where they are denied civil liberties by religions such as Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • jehovahsheep

    i totaly agree shunning should be illegal.perhaps they could outlaw shunning.they would be taking on many other religions who practice the same thing.i think russia is more concerned about them being unnationalistic more than anything.

  • oppostate

    The WTS doesn't have major facilities or a big stake in Russia. If the same 
    were to happen in the US or in Europe then there would be changes.
    The religion of Islam is way more oppressive against it's followers than
    the JWs religion. If a muslim apostasizes he can be put to death and 
    some have. But the Russians are only going about confiscating some
    islamist propaganda and not all islamic writings. There is way more 
    hate in Islam than there is in JWdoom. Catholics and Orthodox 
    Christians have said and done more hate attacks against others
    than the Watchtower has ever published, what with the history
    of pogroms and the anihillation of the Jews and Romany minorities.
    It's a big mess in Russia, but it has always been a big mess there.
  • yknot

    ... on the fence...

    I get Russia's reasons but they are playing right into the WTS's hands on this one.......

    Persecution, persecution, persecution...... makes a zealot more zealous.

    Misled people and families get pulled apart by both the government and the Org.....

    The WTS gets to 'cry' over the treatment of it's members in international circles....

    The WTS doesn't give two whits about the Russian JWs, this is great publicity!

    Education is the real answer........ mass education on the history of the WTS.

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