Why do some of you JW's stay in the organization?

by dgp 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • poopsiecakes

    Ex? EX? don't reject me, I have a problem with that..

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    EX: I was hoping you would actually answer the question that was posed: "Why do some of you JW's stay in the organization?" rather than a borderline ad hominem attack. Please, many of us are actaully interested why you would stay in - "born-in" pressures, "true hope" ????


    Some are too old to leave..

    Some are`nt smart enough to leave..

    Some are Nuts..

    ................... ...OUTLAW

  • jehovahsheep

    mr.exjwdont have an organization-there are several groups out there that do not believe in hell and are monothesistic.ct russell blended together many beliefs that suited him.

  • jehovahsheep

    also im now a christian and belong to christ not man.

  • ExJwsHaveNotGotAnOrganization

    There is a Christian religion, that does not believe in Hell, and the Trinity,and the immortal soul, but it also does not believe in the Devil, Demons, or Rulers in Heaven. They do not tell about Jehovah. And they might do things, that are done by the World of mankind. They believe that Jesus is going to come back on the Earth.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have hope, as S.Morley asked. Otherwise, they might leave, if they did not have it.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I stayed in because I believed it, plus with all my immediate family and friends being JWs, I didn’t really have a choice if I wanted to leave with my sanity intact.

    Gradually, I began realizing that this wasn’t “the truth” and I faded away……

  • cyberjesus
    Otherwise, they might leave, if they did not have it.

    so the answer as to why some stay in the JW is that?

    Ok Focus here. the question is oriented as to why some that know JW are a cult stay in the cult. And the answers is: Dont answer any other question.

  • lingno2

    Same the likes but the reason now i guess is i can play along with them twisting and playing like a scholar and of course thanks to this board it did createw me like that. I am not stack like before, i'm glad bec. i feel free, no fear just like the past more than 20 years. I know where i am now, i feel more dominant now than them......thanks to this board!

  • OnTheWayOut

    My loved ones truly believe (still) that it is "the truth" and fall right in line with cult-thinking. Actually, make that cult think-suppressing. My mother understands the doctrine from 1975 and allows the excuse that they made about when Eve was created, so she expects Armageddon in her lifetime. She reads her Bible and some WT literature everyday, but doesn't bother to fully understand the current doctrine or any changes they make. She just "knows."

    My wife just "knows" and doesn't bother examining the details at all. For her, besides just "knowing," it is a huge social club of people who don't smoke, curse, get involved in holidays.

    For most it may be family connections, but for some like my family members it is "the truth" regardless of what it really is. A dangerous mind-control cult has caused them too much fear of thinking otherwise.

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