The next new light?
OK – a bit of idle speculation here – feel free to add your own thoughts.
A few changes that the WTS might make over the next 5 years and my odds:
144,000 is symbolic odds – 2/1
Last confirmed as literal in 2004 , this has been flagged up by the recent removal of 1935 as the date that the heavenly calling came to an end and may well be spurred on by the recent growth of partakers. The WTS may imply that the number may not be literal without definitely saying that it is symbolic.
Autologus blood transfusions downgraded to conscience issue odds - 3/2
Bearing in mind that the GB back in 2002 temporarily allowed this then backtracked , I think it is certain that eventually they will allow it. All the indications are that as an organisation they are increasingly distancing themselves ( for legal reasons) from being perceived as directly instructing JWs not to take transfusions and it isn’t impossible that they distance themselves by publishing an article like they did on voting , for example. It would seem that there was a possibility of the traditional 2010 “don’t take blood” service meeting item being cancelled and HLC members have been instructed not to give talks to other congregations so I am offering as a long shot 25/1 on blood transfusions no longer being explicity condemned by the WTS.
Awake magazine scrapped altogether odds 3/1
Perfect cost cutting measure and the dumbing down of the public Watchtower increasingly makes the Awake seem pointless. The incessant tract & invitation campaigns are making the magazine distribution work less important anyway.
FADS defined as only the GB – domestics are the anointed in general odds 6/1
Although this is tacitly understood to be the case already , a definitive tightening of this definition may be on the cards , especially as the WTS has been at pains to dismiss any “non GB anointed” as of no relevance. It reinforces the authority of the GB.