new light over the next 5 years?

by dozy 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillajwexelder

    ALL Brooklyn holdings and property sold - at good prices -- everything moves upstate. More Bethelites moved to congregations etc

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I mean just look at the economy...look at how the career/jobs are anyways. college is just another is all nothing but getting most people in trouble with fraternities...sororities...etc...etc...mostly drinking, wild parties, and sex. another bill that parents of the college students or the college students themselves have to pay in the long run and their degree now these days don't even count as much, even with degrees it doesn't seriously guarantee you a higher paying job.

    You don't go to college for a job "nowadays" you go to college to set yourself up for life in the future. You're talking about a 4-8 year investment to help ensure success over the following 60 years. The economy isn't going to be the same as it is nowadays forever. Change is constant.

    As for the mostly drinking, wild parties, and sex comment, that sounds just like someone who isn't attending college but is trying to justify the decision. Those things go on but with a minority of students. Most kids are just trying to learn.

    There is no guarantee of a job, period. But college gives you more knowledge and critical thinking ability to use in finding, keeping, and creating a job than not attending does.

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    I agree with Mad Sweeney. I'm back in college (at 40) and love it. Although I

    have a decent profession with a good salary, I felt the need to finish my

    undergrad. I love it. University makes you think "outside" the bun. :) Pushes you

    to think for yourself, something the Borg doesn't encourage at all on both counts.

    The whole drinking, sex, parties, contracting disease thing is just a myth

    perpetuated by the JWs. Yes, these things exist, but you can easily stay away

    from that.....just a thought!

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    college is all nothing but getting most people in trouble with fraternities...sororities...etc...etc...mostly drinking, wild parties, and sex.

    This was my college experience, but........that was just me at the time.

    Think About It

  • rich5678

    That comment about sex, partying, and drinking is completely a myth. I'm a pre-dental student and this is my sophomore year in college. I refused to go to a party and i refused to drink alcoholic beverages. My decision on that is personal. The whole college thing is a conscience matter now. I think the WTS is seeing that going to school is necessary for the competition for jobs today especially high paying jobs. When i go to assemblies and listen to these young people being proud to become part time pioneers instead of going to school (I think they are putting on a show anyway), it didn't convince me one or the other...any young ones that are willing to pioneer and not going to school, they are doing it for them but they are doing it for the WTS to get more members...thats why we about 7 millions people in "the truth". As far as blood transfusion, i am beginning to see it also...Because the WTS just came out and said that we can acceptall fractions(which amount to whole blood)...the whole scenario jws are using to support their argument about avoiding alcohol and not getting alcohol in our iv is going to a direction of being bogus...the doctor tells the patient to avoid alcohol but the patient can accept fractions? alcohol is alcohol just like blood is blood...

  • minimus

    I kinda agree.

    The Watchtower likes to print/say 2 different views and makes things murky. Voting is wrong but it's up to a JW's conscience and no one should say bad things about a person seen at the voting booth......but don't do it.

  • leavingwt

    I predict that none of these will happen within the next five years.

    (Flagged for March 2015 review. Just thought I'd air a dissenting view.)

  • notverylikely

    Are all the members of the GB partakes of the emblems? I was under the impression they are not...

  • out4good3

    college is just another is all nothing but getting most people in trouble with fraternities...sororities...etc...etc...mostly drinking, wild parties, and sex. another bill that parents of the college students or the college students themselves have to pay in the long run and their degree now these days don't even count as much, even with degrees it doesn't seriously guarantee you a higher paying job.

    All the above is just another load of WT regurgitated bullshit. You've been watching to many GGW videos and news articles of spring break vacationers.

    The return on investment of a higher education more than makes up for the sacrifices and loans it "might" take to earn a college degree. I say might take because I now of many people who scrimped, saved, sacrificed, worked multiple jobs, and applied themselves evidenced by winning scholarships to put themselves through school.

    I work in an educational institution, both in an instructional and support capacity, and I can tall you that the majority of the kids I see take their educational goals very seriously. The minor few that you speak of are often those that have grew up with a silver spoon in their mouths already and have a rich parent paying for all their expenses.

    I remember when I first wanted to go to school to prepare for a better future and my JW wife objecting citing the reasons of the WT-speak you mention. It wasn't til ten years later that I realized what a mistake I'd made by not going and getting that degree. It kept me in fast food restaurants for all those years while I watched and trained the college educated people they were hiring for management positions being trained by me to later tell me what to do.


    I predict "Brighter Light" on how to treat those disfellowshipped. I think a loving provision will be made to allow you to talk to them at the KH only - as long as it is upbuilding conversation and the DF'd person isn't allowed to question doctrines. All contact at the KH can then be monitored. Outside the KH the current policy stands.

    In practice it means you'll still be treated like a 2nd class citizen but the WTS can defend it's policy more easily and ensure association is on it's terms under it's watchful eye. Not many disfellowshipped will hang around the meetings unless they want to come back so it'll be trying to bring them back to the fold in a slightly less nasty way.

    Wobble - not sure tithing will happen but I think you're definately on the right thread - contributing more. Pay Caesar's things to Caesar and God's things to God. I can hear it now... Brothers - how much do you pay to Caesar? Is it 10% of your salary. 20%? How much more so should we pay God's things to God. Let us make a personal resolution today to give more - the widow gave every last coin that she had. Let us therefore not waste money on a vacation that we return from "tired". Let us instead joyfully help support the preaching work in countries where it is most needed.


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