Your obsession with satan is quite revealing "Weaping"... Perhaps you should consider talking to a professional about your irrational preoccupation.
Is Rock music satanic?
by Weeping 56 Replies latest jw friends
Only the best rock music is satanic. Those artists who were too afraid to make a deal with His Unholy Awesomeness were cursed with mediocrity.
Satan has more of a hold on you than anyone here. Get help. You need it, not us.
I could mock but it's shooting fish in a barrel and I'm not hungry.
That's why Coldplay rips off Joe Satriani and Kraftwerk.
(yeah I know that Kraftwerk gave permission, but still....)
It's not ripping off - it's being influenced by
OMG, it's "Weeping" again!! Where's Shamus??? Where's that monkey hiding???
"Is Rock Music Satanic"??? Hell, Yes!!! Of course it is!! That's why YOU shouldn't listen to it, Weeping!!!
Zid - who also raises a bit o' the devil at times...
I am roflmao at the responses to this thread. VIII has me particularly tickled.
Once again Weeping has documented a thorough analysis of Satan the Great One.
I'm beginning to think that Weeping has a close running relationship with the great horned to
be so observant and knowledgeable of him.
Yes what you've stated regarding the out of mind experience detailed by some musicians
while performing and writing their music but you forgot one important detail ( Drugs )
Led Zeppelin, ACDC, and so on. Musicians of that sort have professed to using drugs and alcohol during their
writing and performing years.
If you want to label these unusual and abnormal psychological experiences Satanic,
I think you would find your opinion mute and redundant by a panel of professional psychologists.
Your right that certain rock and roll music depending on its variation has sexual connotations
but that does not mean that its inspired by evil spirituality, remember R & R is about a lot of things
such as youthful rebellion and that is why its marketed to young adults.
Speaking of psychologists ............oh never mind
One of the biggest no-nos in my area growing up. Total malarky!
"Speaking for myself, as lyricist and drummer for "Rush", and one of those accused of this heinous crime, I must object, Your Honors. Far from being a closet Satanist, I confess crudely, I don't even believe in the old bastard!" - Neil Peart
Kiss me dahling... kiss the monkey!
You know you want to, you satanic ****!