"I sunk to the point of becoming friends with satan worshipers"....... I'm wondering if your definition of "satan worshipers" is just the average joe that doesn't have much of an interest in "god" or if they actually were proactive in worshipping satan.....because unless they were active LITERAL satanists, that's a pretty harsh statement to make about people.
As a singer/songwriter/musician myself, I have experienced the "flow" of writing that sometimes just comes out of nowhere. I don't think I've ever written a song that took more than a couple hours start to finish, which, if you've ever tried writing a song, is a pretty good time frame. During those time periods I was neither high nor drunk. I was completely focused on the task at hand and couldn't be bothered with interruptions or anythingn else going on around me. And while I would metaphorically agree with something inside me moving me to write these songs, I wholeheartedly disagree with it being related to satan or a demon. It is a very ethereal feeling, yes....but satanic? That's a bit over the top and extremist.
Granted, most of the musicians quoted were either whack jobs, druggies or just plain weirdos....so I'm not saying it's out of the realm of possibility.
But music comes from within the soul of HUMANS. To attribute a specific genre with solely satanic origins is biased, narrow-minded and just plain ignorant. Granted, an individual may have to pick and choose what to listen to depending on their own level of comfort....but again, you cannot just claim an entire genre of music is satanic because of a few crack heads.