My Daughter asked me this question................................

by Terry 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    "Dad, what do people talk about on that Jehovah's Witness board?"

    I replied:

    "We complain alot. We find fault. We tell how our lives have been ruined. Stuff like that."

    She replied: "That doesn't sound like much fun!"


    Could it be we aren't having enough FUN on here??

  • undercover
    "We complain alot. We find fault. We tell how our lives have been ruined. Stuff like that."
    She replied: "That doesn't sound like much fun!"


    Just tell her it's a geography thing. You had to be there...

    But there is a certain amount of truth to that. There is a point where you can become consumed with the bitterness, hatred and angst of having been a JW.

    At the same time though, some of us are surrounded by JWs because of family. So we come for support and understanding of what it's like to deal with braindead dubs on a regular basis. I also like to stay a step or two ahead of my JW relatives on new light and new publications and the like. To be forewarned is to be forearmed kinda thing...

  • minimus

    How about, "we help people, we listen to their problems , we have a good time, stuff like that"?

    It's all on how you want to look at it.

  • tec

    We read different viewpoints and express our own. We learn from them.

    As for fun... Shamus makes me LMAO. Outlaw too, sometimes. Go read what makes women crabby. Laughed at that too!


  • mrsjones5

    Well this board would be boring to a kid

  • serenitynow!

    Tell her that you all sharing your experiences helps those of us who are newly free adjust properly so we can be happy. From just lurking on this board since 12/2009, I have learned alot, and worked through some issues.

  • blondie

    I find we share information as well, neither negative or positive, help people deal with their injuries, share general news of the day, talk about music, movies, tv shows...............

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Mini nailed it. We help people, we listen to their problems, we have a good time.

    Personally, I'm having a blast since I've been here. I used to regularly participate in four or five discussion boards all pretty much equally. Now, my discussion board time is 90% here. Wouldn't do it if it wasn't healthy and fun.

  • journey-on

    Terry, Terry, Terry....Is that how you see this board? You of all people? I would love to do a Sociology paper on the dynamics of JWN. Or a cartoon featuring some of the regulars here with their political rantings, or their kitchen psychology sessions, or the scholars, or the comedians, or the cry babies, or the psychotics, or the newbies with their concerns and pain....any number of other things. Maybe a "Cheers" scenario.

  • wobble

    I agree with the above, and I do not think it is right to trivialise this board.

    With all due respect, someone like Terry's daughter cannot know what it feels like to spend your whole life in a Cult, and then leave , with no family or friends or indeed CULTURE ,coming with you.

    You feel so alone. More alone than an immigrant who has no friends or family in a strange land, at least he is still sure of his beliefs, and feels he can go back to his family, his culture and his former life, we cannot.

    The suport, love, and practical advice I found on here was a life saver, literally in my case, I was suicidal when I left the religion, not just because of leaving, other factors were involved, but without the good folks of JWN I would be a gonner.

    Tell your daughter Terry, that what you do on here is an important work that saves lives.



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