You need to add sides of cole slaw and curried lentils to that menu
Funny things to not do at the Memorial
by rebel8 69 Replies latest jw friends
The last time I went to a memorial as an apostate in an over crowded hall, it was expected that all women and visitors sat down in the available seats. Only elders and minis would stand, lining the walls the walls as they stood and asserted their seniority by standing throughout the ceremony. Finding the whole experience rather claustrophobic I stood along with my wife.
We were initially asked to sit down. After much whispering three elders came up and insisted we sit in two seats at the back they had saved for us. I pointed out that politeness dictated that the seats should be used by older people, which included some of the elders. We refused to yield and stood amongst the elders near the front.
Cat among the pigeons and all that.
lol gladiator. The simple act of standing must signify, "I'm with the band."
I'd pour the wine on the floor whilst saying i thought we were to abstain from blood!
I think I'll make a Peeps diarama and leave it on the literature counter on the night of the Memorial.
LOL! Peeps at the last supper.... love it.
And what ever you do, don't create a craigslist ad stating "Free Wine tasting, snacks included" on April 14th (local date and time for KH)
Brothers, show your respect by wearing a proper suit and tie--and not any of those forbidden skinny pants, either.
but I'm sure he has colored socks, that's a no-no -
Bring your own wine. When it gets to your row, take out the bottle and say, "Thanks brother but I brought my own" chug a chug