Well in a real 'Hello McFly' moment.......
I aided in the stuff an invite in every door of the territory campaign this week (finished today)..... stuffing here, stuffing there...
Of course I know what the Memorial is about so I really didn't look inside until today......!!!!
Our Memorial will be held at 9:15 PM!!!!
9:15 on a school night!
9:15 in a congregation with a significant number of members who can't drive after dark!
9:15 is the most utterly stoopid time to hold this 'event of magnitude'! Why the hell didn't we just rent a hotel conference room!
Needless to say I am 'outraged' and it just goes to show everybody that they really don't care about attendance........ thusly I will be allegedly 'attending' the Memorial elsewhere earlier (probably my kitchen)! By 9:15 kiddos and hubby will be asleep and I will be posting here!
I guess this serves as warning to all lurking conscious class..... don't wear headphones/MP3 during 'annoucements' !!!
Anyone else have after 9pm Memorials?