The men in the coven I was in knew how to use a sewing machine quite well. It was required for first degree work that everyone make a ritual garment. Some covens in the assembly had to make their own tabards, too. I'm just curious if non-witchy men know how to sew.
Aposta-men, Do You Know How to Sew?
by White Dove 35 Replies latest jw friends
Doe just got a sewing machine a while back. I wonder how it's working for him.
Doe's in a coven?
White Dove
I kept the machine I got in DE and lugged it all the way to AZ. I want to sew some clothes.
White Dove
I think Doe is too skeptical to be in a coven. I was in one where all the guys and most of the women could sew well. I couldn't sew at all.
I've done a little bit of sewing since we landed here in Cali. As soon as I get a sewing table (found a table at Walmart for $15 that'll be perfect) it's on.
White Dove
It would be really neat if we all made something and posted pictures.
wha happened?
Well one of my relatives had an auto re-upholstery business. I wanted to work so I worked on the sewing machine. Got good at it and I hemmed my own pants back in the 80"s.
I can use a sewing machine and have made my own curtains. When I was cheap at Bethel I used to even sew my own t-shirts from my own patterns. I hate the think what I must have looked like.
John Doe
I love my sewing machine.