If I took her to the memorial this year.Im df'd for years,but out of love and respect for my parents I always gave them this one night.My mum dosent drive.I was going to drive her and sit by her.I promised my dad that I would always do this for him.He was pretty cool,even tho he was an elder.My "devout" sister {who has never lifted a finger to help my parents}told her yesterday that it "wouldnt look good" for me to show up w/my mum,altho everyone knows that I have done everything for my parents,both before my dad died in December and since. Is my sister just jealous that I have a fabulous life,am beautiful,rich,a guitar god,have excellent cool hair, xray vision,can communicate with aliens and have supernatural abilities? Or is she just mean?lol..Btw,I am going.And Im taking my mum and we are going to sit in the front row,and yes,Im gonna wear velvet....
JW sister told my newly widowed mom that it would "look bad"if
by aquagirl 29 Replies latest jw experiences
You go girl, for your mom. That's just about the nastiest thing I've ever heard of. Do it for your dad as well who is probably watching to see what you will do. It would look bad if you did'nt do it!
sure, it will look bad
for your mean sister
You are doing the right thing with the right motive, honoring your father and mother, and showing a deep respect, coupled with love. And yes, this is putting your SR JW sister to shame.
Your sisters actions are not unique, but common to the JW's. My wifes sister did the same thing to her as she took care of her dying mom. Making excuses as to why she wasn't there for her mom, then judging and complaining about any activity my wife did.
If your sister is so concerned about appearances, why doesn't she take your mom?
Coffee House Girl
Lol, I only wish I had cool hair...
Yea, the cong. I attended had a big problem with D'Fd people sitting right next to JW family members, even for the memorial. They think you should duitifully sit in the back row, in the corner, isolated, with a sad repentful look on your face, and avoid ALL eye contact!!! (that goes for even the rich guitar gods with xray vision)
I'm glad you are going anyway and support your mom in the front row-
can I borrow your velvet??
> can communicate with aliens
You can communicate with aliens?!?!?
26 If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
- James chapter 1
You are doing the right thing. Whatever your own feelings about the religion are, it is important to your mother, and it is good that you are making sure she is getting to what is a very important night to her. I would take her and sit next to her. If anybody says anything quote the above scripture and tell them your conscience is clean on the matter.
Can you ask the aliens, why all the probing? And do they know anything about the JFK assasination and hanging chads from Florida?
aquagirl, did your sister say how your mom was going to get to the memorial????? If not, what an idiot....when people do things like this it proves to me that they don't believe that their god sees and hears what they do.