Ok, my issue with the memorial I have put forth in another thread, but allow me to past them here:
The Memorial enfoces on them the power of the GB and of the "annointed" class, it is the TOTAL opposite of Grace.
Where God's grace is given free to all, the memorial is withedl from the majority.
God's grace tells us that no matter what we do, God loves us and if we belive, our salvation is in Christ's hands.
The memorial is about the opposite, no matter what you have done, you are NOT worthy to partake on what was free given to ALL.
Only the annointed can partake, the rest are NOT deserving.
If that is NOT a slap in the face of God's gift of Grace, I don't know what is.
There they sit, all the "un-annointed", their heads hanging low, nomatter how many hourse they put in, how many loved ones they shunned, how many they have lost to the horrifc "no blood policy", they are NOT deserving to share in what Jesus told ALL his believers to do.
The Last Supper was Our Lord's gift to us so that ANYTIME we do it, we remember him.
When we say grace before our meal and we thank Jesus for all his has done, for his sacrifice, we are partaking of his Blood and Body.
But even here the WT Ignores Jesus's commands and relegates him to the back with the rest.