Hourly Pay Rates
by palmtree67 39 Replies latest jw friends
For blank threads, I will pay you at the rate of $0.00 per hour. However, for personal pictures, the rate is negotiable.
Ooopsy, hit enter too fast....
Anyways, I'm just curious about average hourly pay rates.
What do you do for a living?
What does that job pay (Approx) per hour in your area of the world?
LOL @ Burn
The doctor's office paid $20/hour.
Now I work for a large company (it's in both US and Canada) and it pays $25/hour for office administration, with a mandatory time and half for 20 hours each month.
I live in Alberta.
Administrative - local police department - $12.17 per hour.
i work with people who have developmentally disabilities....i got a raise so now i make 10.00 an hour...used to make 9.00......can you say poor house...i live on the west coast....
Depending on client and task between £19 and £31 per hour as sales and marketing consultant.
massage therapist, earning $20 per hour plus tips which average about $11. an hour.
I should be making $35 an hour at this point but the company I work for is having difficulties and has frozen all pay raises for an indefinite period of time.
For Mt's 20-25 hours a week is considered full time, because it is very physically demanding.
No benefits.
One of the bigs perks is your client is always thriilled to see you, everybody seems to love you, and you get constant marraige proposals from both sexes.
I've had people just furious with the front desk, red in the face and mad as hell, but when they see me they are all smiles and gratitude.
It's a very low stress, ego boosting job.
I worked as a legal secretary. In the city (Orlando) it pays $20.00 an hour, in suburbs $10.00. (Cheap Bast**ds) Same job, same stress. In Denver it pays about $40.00 an hour..... and more than that in larger cities.
Just for kicks, mentioned on Snow's thread. The Census paid me 12.50 and hour in the year 2000. Now they are paying 13.75 in my area.
My son worked for Sprint as some kind of computer expert, I believe he was earning about $45.00 and hour plus spectacular benefits, plus plenty of overtime and double pay per hour on holidays.
troubled mind
Bus driver $18.50 a school route, $12.00 a hr for trips
Sales clerk $8.50 hr
Office cleaning $40. hr