DO Rodrigues/ROD-ricks commenting on JWN discussions and apostate having some Troof.

by cattails 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • cattails

    What a flurry of interesting topics on JWN lately! My oh my.

    I haven't posted in the last few days... nor read the forum.

    This last week I was back East visiting friends in the Troof.

    Lucky for me it was Assembly time, so packing and going to

    Natick Assembly Hall (Boston, MA), and caught the Sunday

    session. The family breaks it up into two weekends, going

    one week on Saturday and another on Sunday, a comfortable

    arrangement, I thought. Besides it left Saturday to go shopping.

    At the CA one of the last talks was by this DO named Rodrigues

    who likes his name pronounced ROD-ricks. He actually said that



    JUST LIKE SATAN IN THE GARDEN WITH "is it really so that God

    said you may not eat from all of the trees in the garden?" AND





    Well, what the heck! Who told him what was going on in Apostate Website Discussions? Which JW was reading the forums? Was it him?

    And if some active JW was monitoring the apostate forums how is that allowed? or condoned by the WTS? Doesn't this DO realize by saying what he says he makes it obvious that someone in the Troof is keeping tabs on what goes on at Apostate Website Discussions?

    This is the same guy who re appointed an elder who'd left his wife, and was on the local newspaper twice for being arrested for sexually exposing himself in public. Then just three years later because he was good golf and work buddies with the service committee in his new congregation he was re-appointed as an elder. The family I stayed with knows this elder's previous family and they couldn't get over it.

    It's always interesting to see how there's sick problems in the WT organization no matter where you go, three thousand miles away and still the same. The good-ol-boy network covering up and the wreckage of broken families swept under the rug by hypocritical DOs and COs who only care about their control and their petty WT approved titles of privilege.

    Well, at least the shopping was fun. It feels good to do one's share for the economy. Buy "American" -- stay away from Walmarts! Also it was good to visit a JW family who don't let themselves be brainwashed to the point of sacrificing their lives to a Publishing Corporation.

  • avesta

    it dont just happen over in the states here in uk the good ole jws cover things up as well.

    baptised brother abused 11 kids was found guilty by the law of the land and guess wat??? he wasnt even disfellowshipped. one of the abused childrens parents who took this "loving brother" to court called in bethel. they were told to forgive. jehovah is a loving god!!!!! and it was covered up a treat they were told not to discuss it with any other brothers or sisters. brushed under the carpet just like catholic priests who love little boys.

  • yknot

    That guy is suppose to be an world-class jackass according to many on this board....... and from what I have heard from many other 'Friends'.

    You know what they say....... all publicity is GOOD PUBLICITY

    So cheers and thanks for the shout out Brother Rod-ree-gus!.....(dude seriously show some family pride!)

    BTW if we have any 'lurkers' here due to such talks....Welcome, properly join and tell share your opinions!

  • Scott77

    I think the mention of an apostate site by an influential leader of the Watchtower before a large mass of dubs, show at least, we have power or our power is growing in strength. B t the way, Iam curious, I had like to know where is the newspaper story of that lustful elder who was caught twice exposing himself before the public.


  • cattails
    brushed under the carpet just like catholic priests who love little boys.

    One cute single brother was talking to the Dad of the family I stayed with and this

    guy looked like he was brimming and to the point of wetting himself with glee

    talking about how the Catholic Church's latest scandal may bring the Pope down.

    I wanted to jump in and mention the thousands upon thousands of child abuse

    cases the WT has had to settle and paid lots of contribution money for as a result

    of hiding pedophiles in the congregations... I wanted to, but I yet didn't want to. it

    was weird, I just wanted to look at his pretty but manly clean shaven face and

    without registering in my mind the stupid things that came out of his mouth.

    Sometimes I think like JWs feel like they're expected to say and repeat stupid even

    biased, hateful, and wrong things just to affirm that they are the only ones' who

    got it right and every other religion is false, all others are morons for following their

    religious leaders and wickedly worthy of dying because they don't wake up. But

    it's exactly the behavior, and frame of mind, that JWs exhibit.

    And yeah, Rodrigues / ROD-ricks is moving out to District 2, he'll have Walkill and

    Patterson in his new assignment. The WTS seems to favor the sort of wacko blind

    believer and indoctrinator that "ROD-ricks" represents, he seems like a real company

    man, even going on about the Governing Body representing the Faithful and Discreet

    Slave and how it was sooooo accurate that the Governing Body told us back in 2006

    that we should not get into heavy debt... even suggesting to us that we simplify our

    living arrangements, perhaps selling our expensive homes and renting instead so as

    to not be burdened and look what happened to the economy. If we had sold out of

    our homes back when we read this counsel we would be so much better off now. He

    actually said this, I couldn't believe it, I just rolled my eyes, and looked around at all

    the numbed faces around the Assembly Hall.

    What does ROD-ricks know about life anyway? He's been provided with an appartment,

    a brand new car every couple of years, all his meals taken care of, medical insurance,

    life insurance, accident insurance, car insurance, and retirement. What does he know

    about having to earn a living nowadays, putting down people who live on credit, and

    scrounge to make payments every month? What does he have to pay? Does he pay

    for his car? for his furnished appartment? for his new laptop? for his Amazon Kindle?

    And the fact that he doesn't even want his name pronounced like it should be, and wants

    to Americanize it with an English pronunciation goes to show how disconnected he is from

    his ethnic background. He's a true Mamma WT's boy, even right down to his shiny

    laundered and professionally fitted suit... who pays for his laundering bill? You know he's

    aiming for a higher post in the corporate WT ladder. His condescending manner is so obvious.

    I had like to know where is the newspaper story

    I was told it was in a local newspaper. From what I was told during the ride back from the

    Assembly Hall, this guy was still an elder when he had an affair with a worldly woman.

    He left his wife and kids, moved in with the new girlfriend, the wife got a divorce and sued

    for child support. I think that what the paper said was only about his appearing in court

    and having to pay a fine for being found by a police officer fully disrobed at his workplace

    and masturbating from behind his office window, there were witnesses. I can't remember

    exactly what I was told appeared in the paper each time his name showed up but those

    are the details I couldn't get out of my mind. Can you imagine a neighbor calling the cops

    on this guy you see naked and masturbating, looking out of his office window to unsuspecting

    passersby below, and the cops catching him in flagrante delicto, ehem, red handed???

    And then he shows up at your door, trying to place the WT and Awake!

    I'll email tonight and ask about that, but I can't be too obviously interested, if you know what

    I mean. I'll try to get more info on it though.

  • yknot

    For the sake of googling his alleged illegal reveals can somebody spell his first name for me.......


  • whereami

    Is this guy Portuguese?

    Were you at a Portuguese assembly, or American?

    This guy sounds familiar. You don't happen to have a pic of this idiot would you?

  • cattails
    This guy sounds familiar.

    This is his first District Overseers post. Before that he was Circuit Overseer in

    this same area from what it sounds like. I don't have many details on the other

    brother, the one who was manhandling himself at work, other than that it happened

    while Brother Rodrigues (ROD-rix) was a CO. His re-appointment was railroaded

    through the old BOE where his previous wife and children live still.

    The current CO was a little man, real tiny, think little Napoleon, he had a booming

    and in your face type of voice and seemed to want to out-do the DO in making his

    point against apostates and other denigrates. For some reason this CO Scott Henry

    and the DO really went after people with homes, saying the counsel was to sell and

    simplify and if we listened we'd be happier people, but look at the sad situation in

    the world. There were several examples of people losing work, or hours getting

    cut back who decided to auxiliary instead of looking for full time employment, and

    the supportive applause was always forthcoming from the audience.

    This little CO is the one who has deleted dozens of 'older' elders in the circuit, even

    the Dad of the family I stayed with, and in one of his talks was complaining more

    elders were needed and how so many new elders under 40 were appointed yet

    many more are needed in the congregations. Well duh! If he didn't delete elders

    and experienced ones at that he wouldn't have to complain. But I think he meant

    new elders who are first of all company men who won't ask or complain when Mamma

    WT says to do something.

    If you don't have a home mortgage, how can you get home equity, so when you're

    older you have something to fall back on. Or if you only work full time (like I'm doing)

    how do you get medical insurance and retirement income? This DO and CO duo are

    just setting people up to have a very meager old age, because they are blind

    believers in a Corporation's promise that lookie-here the end of this system is


    What about all the real estate projects the WTS has going on right now and the

    future plans for expansion in NY State? Why don't they simplify and provide

    retirement accounts for Bethel workers? Why don't they take their own advice?

    Is this guy Portuguese?

    In name only, he doesn't even speak Portuguese (he's second generation).

    I wanted to learn more about him but that's all I could find out. Anyone from

    Massachusetts Area that can add more info?

  • bohm

    Cattails: Very interesting topic. What brother Rodriguez is doing is very fortunate.

    Information control is easiest to maintain when people dont know a vast amount of critical information exist and is easily avaliable; i think that is the case of most dubs today. Brother R. is really playing with the fire - if he can talk about apostate information, he is legetimizing gossip about how wrong and misinformed us apostates are. The next logical step is to read some of it to be 'in' on how wrong it actually is, after all, nobody has to know and others must also be doing it!

    "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win" - Ghandi.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    I was in Bethel with Rod-Ricks and he manned the 124 Columbia Heights desk. A real jerk, and not the sharpest blade in the drawer. Dressed well, fairly good looking and made a nice appearance.

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