I'm going to drink a few beers before I go
Is anyone on this board going tonight........
by cantleave 57 Replies latest jw friends
My concern is not for them..
They will always be pointlessly concerned with someone elses business..
My concern is for you.
I would have liked you,to enjoy your special evening with friends..
True,you are showing them how a Real Christian behaves at Memorial..
Unfortunately..That lesson will be lost on them..
Most of them have seen people partake of the Bread and Wine..
It`s someting to view,not participate in..
The WBT$ has taken great steps to keep them isolated from you..
They can`t even talk to you..What a Tragic loss..
You`ve been going 14 years..LOL!!..You are Persistant!..
You will be one of the few in any Kingdom Hall around the world....
Not Celebrating the WBT$`s most Sacred Celebration..
"Ignore Jesus Day"..
I know this is a very special day for you..
You should consider enjoying it with friends,even if it`s only once every few years..
You can give Memorial lessons at the Kingdom Hall on the other years..
Enjoy your evening..Take care my Friend..
........................ ...OUTLAW
hello all:
Yes we are all going. me, my husband and our three sons. All to...yes "Partake". Show them what they all should be doing instead of passing it over and making themselves an "Anti-Christ".
They will be expecting us this year as the two of us went last year. It had been several years because they would not let us in 8 years ago. Yes our entire family with three small sons. Said we were not welcome, had no friends. (Our families are still inside)
Just as Moses let the entire nation of Israel out into the wilderness with the levite priests, men, women, children, and even egyptians (vast-mixed company...remember...) they ALL ate the manna (not just priests) and ALL drank from the rock-mass .
So.. we are priviledged to be sent. We love them.
love justmom
Just shaved and ready to go.
Are shaving cuts an excuse to stay home?
White Dove
They prevented you from entering the khall?! Don't you think that is just a little illegal, there being no reason to exclude you? They don't own the event. It's PUBLIC!
Wow, that was even more torturous than last time. "You have to come back; you must come back, etc." I was thinking that "coming back" was comparable to a colonscopy without anesthesia.
My concern is for you.
Thank you SO kindly, my dear, dear, Outlaw (the greatest of love and peace to you!) for your care and concern. I TRULY appreciate it! However, PLEASE don't be concerned for me in regard to this. Truly, it isn't necessary although it IS certainly appreciated!
I would have liked you,to enjoy your special evening with friends..
I DID enjoy myself, dear one... absoLUTEly! The "talk" (given by a speaker who hailed from the "Patterson Education Center in New York" - Oooooooh! - and was FULL of errors, one specifically about the "new song" sung by the 144,000 seen on Mount Zion!! which I will briefly explain in another thread...) only further corroborated for me who they are... who they are NOT... and who I am. There was NOTHING said it in that gave them rise to treat me... and others... as they did and do. To the contrary, based on their TALKS... we should be WELCOMED (indeed, they hypocritically sing "So welcome one another as Christ [Jesus] welcomed YOU!" - yet, they are not actually the "welcomed" ones, are they, because he isn't THEIR mediator, is he? I mean, it's not like THEY'RE in the New Covenant, is it... because that Covenant is ratified by Christ's BLOOD... which they repeatedly reject!)
I know this is a very special day for you..
Other than the fact I make a bit of a trek (from the Bay Area to Sacto), it really isn't anymore special than any other day, my dear. Okay, the trek and the fact that I must keep in mind that they WILL stare and whisper... and judge... and perhaps someone will say/do something "stoopid" - like the man who couldn't help himself and snickered loudly when we broke the bread and partook). But other than no, no big deal. I mean, I dress up when we go to the theater/ballet, etc., ... as well as 4 out of 5 days a week for work (not that I consider business attire "dressed up" but it's pretty much in line with what many folks where to the Memorial - although some of the ladies DO break out the sequins, gauze, and pearls, don't they... while hypocritically decrying others for dressing up for Easter, Mother's day, etc., saying that THEY "don't celebrate holi-days" while calling THIS event a "holy day" - sheesh, the hypocrisy!)... so that's no major feat, either.
The TRUTH, however, dear one, is that we are in the Sabbath, which is every day. The "Sabbath" is the day of rest for the Most Holy One of Israel and started when He rested from His creative works... and continues until this day. It is not about observing one day a week, however, where we don't do physical work but spend the entire day "worshipping God" (as many believe and so is the impetus for "going to church" one day a week). Rather, it is about observing EVERY day as a "sabbath" day to God... a day where we rest from doing our works... EARTHLING MAN'S works... which include things like judging, condemning, pointing the finger, disregarding, hating, shutting the door of our tender compassions, shutting up the kingdom of the heavens, etc.... and instead do GOD'S works. What are those works? They are things like mercy... forgiveness... releasing... tender compassion... love. Things God never has rested from at all... and Christ, His Word... is teaching those who belong to God, through Christ, to do. Works of the SPIRIT... and not works of the FLESH. Christ was speaking of these when he was recorded to have said, "I do the works of my Father," and "The Father keeps working until now and so I keep working." Since Christ is KING of the Sabbath, then... EVERY day... is a Sabbath Day to God for those who belong to him.
And so to be honest, dear one, EVERY day is "special" for me because of this very truth. Thus, as I've shared here I eat and drink EVERYDAY... just as Israel did while in the wilderness at Sinai after leaving slavery in Egypt. Not just one day that some false prophet organization designates. Heck, it ain't even the RIGHT day (the TRUE Passover was the night before). And I share in this "meal" with my friends whenever we get together. The difference between us and "them," however, is that although they SAY they do "just so" they don't really.
For instance, on the night my Lord gave the bread and wine to his friends, he did so AFTER the evening meal. The bread and wine weren't the evening meal, as the WTBTS call it (i.e., "the Lord's Evening Meal")... but what was left over AFTER they had eaten the evening Passover meal. And Paul corroborated this when he told those HE met with to either eat at home first if they were hungry (so that they didn't get there and try to eat the whole thing before everyone had arrived) OR to discern the PURPOSE and DO eat (for those who arrived with full stomachs and so then didn't want to share in the MEAL they are beforehand). My friends and I, therefore, pretty much have already shared a meal either just before or within a couple few hours... and THEN we share the body and blood of Christ.
Another instance is that they also overlook another and very imporant step... and that is that AFTER the Passover meal... but BEFORE even getting into the bread and wine/flesh and blood thing... my Lord washed his friends feet. Yep. Right after the meal he got UP from the table, girded himself... and washed their feet. Then he told them that THEY... if they were to be like HIM... were to wash the feet of one another. Yes, my friends and I observe that commandment. NOT just one time a year... but almost every time we get together. It is a privilege to do it... and humbling to have it done. (For those who say, as the WTBTS and other so-called "christian" religions do... that such a thing is not necessary but only "symbolic" of how we are to few one another... as servants of each other... I must say that I disagree and that the word of my Lord to ME about it is that "he who is faithful in what is LEAST... including something like washing someone's feet (vs. giving your life/blood)... is faithful in much" and that doing so is a DEMONSTRATION of one's faith in him... and his words. So, we do it. It's a small thing and, again, a privilege to do and blessing to have done.)
Finally, another important step that they overlook is that after giving thanks but BEFORE giving his friends the bread and wine... my Lord BROKE the bread. I cannot tell you, however, when the last it was that I saw the bread passed around by the WTBTS broken. Every year, me and whoever is with me have to break it ourselves (at least, for the past 11 of the 14 years that I have done it in their midst). Which of course makes noise (which makes it hard to be discrete - no pun intended). The premise is that since there is no one that THEY believe "should" partake, there is no reason TO break the bread. The TRUTH, however, is that REGARDLESS of what they THINK... the bread should be BROKEN... because CHRIST broke it (and not those who partook of it) and did so BEFORE he passed it around. Their failure to do so is (1) presumptuous, (2) judgmental (although they vehemently deny that they are), (3) a total error, and (4) far from "just so."
So, again, please, while I truly appreciate YOUR love and concern for me... it is not necessary - I am fine now and I was last night. Indeed, I came away REJOICING... because the REASON that I am mistreated is for the sake of the Son of God. What greater privilege in this world? None!
Again, thank you... and I bid you the greatest of love and peace!
YOUR servant, friend, and a slave of Christ... ALL to time indefinite...
Good Afternoon Shelby!!..
So you had Dinner with your Friends?..Good!..
Thats always a good start,to an evening out..
I never knew all the Steps for Memorial..I don`t think most people do..
That was cool to read..
So..Did you wash your feet at the kingdom Hall,or did you wait till you got home?..LOL!!..
Breaking the Bread must have surprised them..
It was probably the most Action they`ve seen in a Kingdom Hall all year..LOL!!..
I`m happy you had a good evening Shelby..
I totally enjoyed your reply to me..
Take care my Friend..