My Memorial Tonight

by jookbeard 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • jookbeard

    I sat in the car with some trepidation and minor nerves and walked the 200 yards to the K/H on this damp dreary night. I was a bit early and was greeted pleasantly by a Hall Attendant who shook my hand an asked my name, as I walked inside to my surprise I recognized 3 of the brethren, one was a guy who was a reasonably good pal who dated a friend of mine all those years back, he exchanged glances and he blanked me, the others were a middle aged couple who were sat a few rows in front of me but no eye contact was made, I proceeded to sit down and another 2 sisters greeted me, so in the space of about 10 mins a grand total of 4 people have made the big effort to say hi. The opening song commenced and the sister next to me kindly offered me her songbook. The talk was a usual mixture of boredom offering of scriptures that clearly contradicted themselves and the guy sitting next to me swung his bible in my direction so I could dumbly read the text, the bread was offered and my throat was starting to really dry but as the plate came towards me I broke as small piece of the bread and ate it, then the wine followed and I took a small sip,strangely a lady sitting a few seats away from partook she cant have been less then 40 years of age. The closing prayer came and I quickly made my exit, as I was about to walk to the doors and a brother collared me, he suggested that I take a recent publication from the book counter I declined briefly explaining my D/Aed state, I then asked him if he was an elder he replied that he was and said it would be great to see me again. During the whole proceedings I was probably greeted by about 6/7 people the elder at the end seemed a decent kind of guy.

    As I walked to my car I drove to my local bar to catch the end of the football I looked around to see normal every day people going about their lives and suddenly thought that these people who I have just left have no redeeming features whatsoever they are neither loving or warm nor rude, just normal bland boring people hardly a people for Gods name to fulfil his will on earth.

    I'm glad I did, wont do it again it was just a stupid experiment I wanted to carry out just to satisfy my own curiosity.

    As I jumped out of my car and looked at the beautiful full moon partially hidden by the clouds I called out to Christ and thanked him.


  • cantleave

    Good man jookers. I know that actually took a great deal of courage. You are my memorial night hero.

  • jookbeard

    cheers C/L it all come down to a big anti climax TBH, a voyeuristic curiosity took me over tonight.

  • scotinsw

    good on you. i agree totally with cantleave.

  • Gayle

    Thank you for sharing your experience. Sounds like it gave you a healthy closure.

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    I wish I had your courage to go and partake.

  • zoiks

    Thanks for sharing the results of your experiment

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    I'm with Aude and JWoods comments on a previous thread.

    Sorry folks - I just don't get it and what you would hope to achieve. All this does is reinforce the negative image of x-jws and comes across as a 'look at me!' attention seeking type of exercise. This can backfire and only serve to strengthen the jw resolve, whilst leaving yourself open to potential embarrassment. I watched the Brenda (forgotten her surname) clip and it made me cringe. There are other, more productive ways to get the message across without showing such intentional disrespect.

    The great thing about being free from the organisation is never having to participate in this kind of ritual ever again. That's what should be celebrated.

  • jookbeard

    F/F ; my partaking tonight was done quietly and respectfully in a dignified way and enabled me to fully appreciate the ransom of our Lord , I Left quietly and did nothing to draw any attention to myself, probably most of the cong would have been completely unaware of my partaking.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Good going, bro. This is a night of firsts for many of us. First time partaking for you and first time skipping for a lot of us.

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