My partaking tonight was done in full knowledge that I believe in Christ as my Savior, I also partook of the emblems in a quiet and dignified manner.
No one questioned me. There were April WTs on a table in the rear of the KH for people to take, I didn't take one, I get them at my KH back home.
Since I'm only visiting there's no reason to make a fuss and give an impression I'm dissatisfied with the WTS. I enjoyed it, it was a nice congregation!
The brother who gave the talk could have put anyone to sleep, with his whispery voice as he went through the outline of the talk.
The bread was so hard it was very difficult to chew. The wine was very dry, almost as dry as the bread. But to me these signified the flesh and blood
of my Savior and I'm glad I followed the command to remember his Sacrifice, which covers over all those who put faith in Him as the promised Messiah.